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[Leveticus] Pariah of Iron / Bone minions

Mister Feral

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Hi all, I've started to collect minions for an eventual Leveticus crew. I will get plastic crew box for the core models but at the moment I have (or have ordered):

Punk Zombies (Bone)

Necropunks (Bone / Iron)

Ryle (Iron)

Any other suggestions for non-Outcast undead and / or constructs? I'm also tempted by Teddy just for the model as I can use him with Pariah of Iron! Is he worth it in a Levi crew? I guess I'll need models with 6+ soul stones to use as anchors for Hollow Waivs!

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Mechanical Rider and Metal Gamin for her to summon. She's a good scheme runner-runner (since she summons Arcanist constructs, and Metal Gamin are great for holding scheme markers and being road blocks), and not a bad beater besides. Combine those Metal Gamin with Teddy for DF6 Teddy (or Teddies...imagine Turf War where you have three DF6 Teddies holding the middle of the board...)

All of the Iron Zombies/Students are good as well. Valedictorian makes a pretty good, beefy, scheme runner and the rest of the Students are good against particular factions.

Necropunks are undead constructs so they can be used for either, get both bonuses from Levi's teleport, and are great scheme runners.

Soulstone Miner can flat out win you games with last minute VP grabs for Reconnoiter, Control Territory, Power Ritual, or anything else that requires sceme markers in far off sections of the board (turn 4 unbury in a corner, lay your sceme marker, profit).

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Flesh constructs are diamond!

Dead doxies are ace too!

Necropunks as already covered!

Mech rider always a winner

Soul stone miner, tasty for the extra stones as well

Miss step is a nice beater, but not always necessary!

There are others but I rarely stray from these, and I have a little experience with levy

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The core Leveticus box is certainly the next thing for me. I think I'll need to get some demo and actual games in first with what I've got then expand my options from there. 

I do know there are far more Undead models I'd want to use and paint than pure Constructs - although hybrids like Necropunks are always good for crew flexibility!

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The thing with the constructs is that unlike undead models, most constructs don't all come from a single faction. That means that Levi can pull off unexpected combos with models that usually don't show up on the same side of the battlefield. Undead models, on the other hand, were designed with their faction in mind. That's how you get things like Electrical Creation + Joss + Rusty + Levi potentially getting you a turn one summoned Desolation Engine, or Metal Gamin + Teddy giving you DF6 Teddy.


Edited by KrazyIvan
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