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The very Essence of power...


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I've just added an Essence of Power to my Arcanist stable... The image on the card has the man as some sort of green-skinned thing, but I thought it might be more horrifying if he was a "real" person who'd had a rather bad time whilst being possessed, so I did him in a flesh colour which I then toned down by highlighting in a mix of Sunny Flesh and Bleached bone to give it an almost-dead look - before Windsor & Newton Peat Brown inking it to highlight the musculature and make it look like he has had the sort of horrific experience which involved pain, suffering and far less access to soap and water than even a hardened gamer would consider borderline acceptable.


he "Magic" is white painted, then inked with Windsor & Newton Indigo blue - which was a bit too strong, so I matt varnished it, drybrushed heavily with white, and then inked again with standard blue. The "Soulstone" I initially thought was a part of the casting of the "magic" which suggested that I'd lost a bit of the "magic" that the nub of the Soulstone that it would plug into (wouldn't be the first time I've lost a bit of a Wyrd model during assembly...), but finally I worked it out, and highlighted it in gold paint. 


He was held in this position by a pin put into the base, and then glued rather unkindly between his buttocks. I tried to hide it with some grassy tufts, and also I did manage to get two points of glue (his foot and, well, somewhere else... ) 

 You can see more of him at http://www.madaxeman.com/Malifaux/Malifaux_Rasputina_and_Kaeris.php

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Nice work.  I am also a fan of Peat Brown wash and I think that the effect has come out really well here.  If I could criticise, I feel that maybe the magic/flames/whatever could benefit a little from having more colours between the deep recesses and the highlights.  The way the pin is hidden is very clever.

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