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Card Sleeves

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Been searching through the forum but can't seem to find anything.

I have  a bunch of crews on the way and thought I'd buy the sleeves for the cards before they got here but obviously don't know the size since I'm just starting.

Anybody able to tell me what they use for sleeves?  I usually use FFG ones but I'm open for anything that fit the Malifaux cards perfectly.  I still have a lot of sleeves from Warmachine, are they the same size?


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Thankfully, Malifaux uses standard card sleeves (I juse Magic the Gatherine as my base comparison).  Warmahordes is also standard but too lazy to take sleeves off and resleeve Malifaux (just bought more sleeves).

I sold all my warmahordes stuff (all 12 armies) along with the cards and sleeves, but after everybody picked up their armies I found 4 packets of sleeves still unopened, good news for malifaux cards :D

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