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Pathfinder and austringers?


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People are, I imagine, referring to the Austringer's Deliver Orders (2) Tactical Action that pushes a model 2" and lets it take an Interact Action.  You can use it on Clockwork Traps to make them Interact.  They are peons but not insignificant.  A Pathfinder could summon one turn 1 then turn 2 you could make it push and interact. 

Beyond that, they're just solid 6SS minions. 

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They can, be prepared to explain why to your opponent. ;) Be careful when you read your schemes however, Cursed object for example specifies "non-peon".

Apart from that specific interaction the Pathfinders pack a mean punch if you can keep them alive, armour-ignoring blasts on a 12" ranged attack with that damage track is nothing to be scoffed at. Both models are good for learning when it's worth it to use focus if you are somewhat new. The pathfinder in particular have different jobs each turn depending on your hand since the triggers do very different things.

Austringers also almost always focus, the exception is if they want to shoot into combat or are engaged themselves. 

Edited by Ludvig
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They can, be prepared to explain why to your opponent. ;) Be careful when you read your schemes however, Cursed object for example specifies "non-peon".

Apart from that specific interaction the Pathfinders pack a mean punch if you can keep them alive, armor-ignoring blasts on a 12" ranged attack with that damage track is nothing to be scoffed at. Both models are good for learning when it's worth it to use focus if you are somewhat new. The pathfinder in particular have different jobs each turn depending on your hand since the triggers do very different things.

Austringers also almost always focus, the exception is if they want to shoot into combat or are engaged themselves. 

The Pathfinders also ignore Hard to Wound with that trigger :) And the other one gives Slow. Yummy! This is a great model, in my personal top three of favorite models. Austringers on the other hand I haven't tried yet, mostly because I usually play Lucius NB and McGabe 10T so I rarely lack for models to try. I am really tempted to buy the Austringers now. I'd love to try out the interaction between them and Pathfinders. Also curious how well would work Dashel, Austringer, Pathfinder x2 with Lucius in Neverborn :P

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Considering Dashel and Lucius have the "Non-Austringer" clause in most skills it isn`t something awesome, but Austringers don`t need those two to work. As for Pathfinders - Dashel is not that necessary as they usually use (0) actions on traps and not focusing.

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