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Halloween Story Encounter Event @ Games Plus, Mt Prospect IL - 10/18/15


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M2E Halloween Story Encounter Event
October 18th, 2015


Registration & Set-up: 10:00am – 11:00am

Entry Fee: $15.00 in store purchase of your choice. (Yes you keep what you buy!!)



Top VP Score for Round 1 – Games Plus Gift Certificate

Top VP Score for Round 2 – Games Plus Gift Certificate

Top VP Score for Round 3 – Games Plus Gift Certificate

(Tie breaker is Strategy VP/Faction Scheme VP/Highest Card Flip)

Special Prize Rule: There will be a different winner for each round. If a player has already won a previous round the T.O. must award the current round to the next player with the highest score.

Best Painted Miniature – Games Plus Gift Certificate

Painted Prize clarification: Everyone is eligible to win the Best Painted Miniature prize.

(In the event of a tie vote the T.O. will be the deciding vote on who wins the painting prize) 



10:00am – 11:00am – Registration & Set-Up

11:15am – 1:15pm – Round 1

1:15pm – 2:15pm – Lunch & Painting Contest

2:15pm – 4:15pm – Round 2

4:30pm – 6:30pm – Round 3

6:45pm - Awards

Crew Construction: Single Faction 50SS

Painting requirements: None, but models need to be properly assembled and based.

Conversions: These are allowed per the Gaining Grounds 2015 rules at the T.O. discretion.


Round 1 – 11:15AM – 1:15PM



They took candy from your baby. Now it’s time to wipe them out and get your candy back!


LITS, Assassinate, Protect Territory, Entourage, Frame for Murder, Faction Scheme

Set Up:

Randomly choose one player to be the Attacker and the other to be the Defender. The Attacker MUST hire a Master to lead their crew AND at least one Henchman. The player who flips the higher card chooses to be the Attacker or Defender. 

Special Effect: Resource Cache

During deployment, each player places two 30mm markers exactly 8 inches from their Standard Deployment Zone and at least 6 inches apart. Any non-peon model in base contact with one of these markers may make a (1) Interact Action to discard it and either draw 2 cards or add 2 Soulstones to its Crew's Pool. The additional Soulstones gained by this special effect can allow a player to go above the max 7 starting soulstone pool.   


The Attacker deploys first. The Attacker selects a Henchman they hired and deploys it anywhere on the centerline of the board, then deploys the rest of their crew using the Standard Deployment Zone. The Attackers Master does not deploy at this time and remains off the table. Then the Defender deploys using the Standard Deployment Zone. The Defender may not deploy models with abilities such as From the Shadows closer than 6 inches from the center of the board in addition to its listed restrictions.  



The Henchmen which was deployed on the centerline gains the Reactivate Condition at the start of each turn for the first 3 turns of the game. The Henchman selected must be able to legally have the Reactivate Condition. The Henchmen also gains the Regen +1 ability for the rest of the game.  At the end of the 3rd turn, the Attacker places their Master within 6 inches of their Deployment Zone.


The Attacker obtains 1 piece of candy for every enemy model killed or sacrificed by the selected Henchmen which was placed on the centerline of the table at the start of the game. The Attacker earns two additional pieces of candy at the end of the game if their selected Henchmen are still alive.

The Defender earns 1 piece of candy for every enemy model killed or sacrificed after the first turn. The Defender earns one additional piece of candy at the end of the game if they killed or sacrificed the selected enemy Henchmen.

The player with the most candy at the end of the game earns 2VP.

A player with 4 or more pieces of candy at the end of the game earns 2VP.










Round 2 – 2:15PM – 4:15PM



The Spirit of the Carver walks among us! Stop the Spirit of the Carver at all cost!!


LITS, Bodyguard, ProtectTerritory, Make them Suffer, Vendetta, Faction Scheme

Set Up:

Randomly determine one player to be the Attacker and the other to be the Defender. The player who flips the higher card chooses to be the Attacker or Defender. Before crews are hired, the Defender flips a card to determine their victory condition. Then crews are hired and the Defender secretly notes down one of their hired Minion models as the “Spirit of the Carver.” The Defender must hire at least one Minion model.


This scenario uses Standard Deployment. Randomly determine the order of deployment.

Special Terrain: Pumpkin Cauldron

Randomly determine a player to place the Pumpkin Cauldron. The player who flips the highest card places the Pumpkin Cauldron on the board. The Pumpkin Cauldron is placed during the deployment of his crew. The Pumpkin Cauldron is Ht 3, blocking, hard cover and impassable terrain. It may be placed anywhere on the table at least 8 inches from either Deployment Zone. Any model which ends a movement or push within 3 inches of the Pumpkin Cauldron must immediately take a TN 14 Horror Duel. Any model that begins its activation within 3 inches of the Pumpkin Cauldron must immediately take a TN 14 Horror Duel. Standard rules apply for passing or failing a horror duel.




When the model noted as the "Spirit of the Carver" is targeted with an Action by an enemy model or targets an enemy model with an Action the player controlling the "Spirit of the Carver" immediately announces that the model is the previously denoted "Spirit of the Carver". That model immediately gains the following abilities until the end of the game; Incorporeal and Terrifying 13 ALL.

If the model already has the Incorporeal ability it then gains Armor +2 and Terrifying 13 ALL. If the model already has the Terrifying ability it is replaced with Terrifying 13 ALL. Additionally, the model adds +1 damage to the resulting damage flip of its Attack Actions. Lastly, once the model has been revealed as the "Spirit of the Carver", it can no longer be healed for the rest of the game. The model denoted as the "Spirit of the Carver" cannot be buried or begin the game buried.

Attacker Victory:

At the end of every turn after the first, the Attacker earns 1VP if they killed or sacrificed at least two enemy models. At the end of every turn after the first, if the Defender has no models in play, the Attacker earns 1VP. The Attacker may only earn 1 VP per turn from this scenario.

Defender Victory:

Crow: At the end of every turn, the Defender earns 1 VP for killing or sacrificing at least one non-peon enemy model with the "Spirit of the Carver". Maximum of 4VP.

Mask: At the end of every turn after the first, the Defender earns 1VP if there is at least 1 friendly scheme marker within 1 inch of the Pumpkin Cauldron.

Tome: The Defender earns 4VP if an opposing Master or Henchman is killed or sacrificed by the "Spirit of the Carver".

Ram: At the end of the game, the Defender earns 4VP if the "Spirit of the Carver" is still in play.



Round 3 – 4:30PM – 6:30PM



Search for the candy, it’s buried somewhere out here! I can smell the sugar!!


LITS, Breakthrough, Bodyguard, Outflank, Deliver the Message, Faction Scheme

Set Up:

Randomly determine one player to be the Attacker and the other to be the Defender. The player who flips the higher card chooses to be the Attacker or Defender and chooses his side of the table.

Special Effect: Fog

At the start of each turn the player who wins initiative flips a card which may not be cheated. On a 1 or 2 apply the following effect until the end of the turn; All CA and SH Actions receive a negative twist to the duel. On a 12 or 13 apply the following effect until the end of the turn; Models may not charge. On a flip of 3 to 11 there is no effect to apply.


This scenario uses the Blind Deployment. The Attacker will take the number of Crow suited cards from their Fate Deck equal to the amount of models hired in their crew; one card for every model. The Defender will take the number of Ram suited cards from the Attackers  Fate Deck equal to the amount of models hired in their crew; one card for every model. The cards must come from the same Fate Deck.

Shuffle the Ram and Crow suited cards together to form a temporary deck. Starting with the Attacking player, each player places a card from the top of the temporary deck face down (without looking at it) anywhere on the table and not touching another card. Once all the cards have been placed, flip them over.


Starting with the Attacking player, each player places a single model anywhere on top of a card of their suit and then the card is removed from the table. Once the players have deployed all of their models, the deployment zones are now treated as Standard Deployment for the remainder of the game.


During each turn including the first, players may take a (1) Interact Action using a non-peon model in their crew while in base contact with a piece of terrain on their opponents half of the table to search for a piece of candy. The Player flips a card which may be cheated. On a 1-5 the Player fails to find anything. On a 6-10 the Player receives one piece of candy. On an 11-13 the Player receives two pieces of candy. On a Joker the Player receives 3 pieces of candy. All candy is placed on the models card that conducted the search. A model may never have more than 3 pieces of candy on its card.  A single piece of terrain may only be interacted with once per turn per crew. As long as a portion of a single piece of terrain is on an opponents half of the table it may be interacted with. Candy found while searching that would put the model over the 3 candy limit is discarded. 


A model already has 2 pieces of Candy on his card. The model interacts with a piece of terrain and flips a Joker. Normally the Joker would give the model 3 pieces of Candy but since he already has 2 he can only take 1 more for a maximum of 3. The other 2 are discarded.

After killing or sacrificing an Enemy model that holds candy on its card the Attacking model steals the candy and keeps it for its crew. The candy is placed on the Attacking models card. An Attacking model may not have more than 3 pieces of candy on its card. Any candy stolen that would put the model over the 3 candy limit is discarded. See above example.

The player with the most candy at the end of the game earns 2VP.

A player with 4 or more pieces of candy at the end of the game earns 2VP.


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