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How many Masters...


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...does it take to change a light bulb?

I guess that's the more typical question.  Same difference, the meaning gets across.

It's like Wyrd would want to start a second game to continue producing new models or something....  :)

Yeah, I suppose that simply starting another game is a choice.  Although that has potential risk with appealing less mechanically or otherwise.  And it feels weird to think that a miniature game like this would be shelved and simply kept in a single state, a final state.  If that's what you're implying, that "closing the chapter" on Malifaux to prevent it degenerating due to design limitations/flaws inherent to games that seek to never stop expanding.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you're saying.  But it seems like going that route would be the same as asking people to stop caring.  I mean, certainly plenty of people are interested in the game as it stands, but with no new products ever I don't see the game drawing in new customers?  Especially when it's this style, where there is a very large selection of things to potentially buy, as appose to say, a board game, which you expect to typically purchase once and be done.  Although even board games often have expansions, but there are a great number stand on their own over the years.  Settlers of Catan or Carcassonne are two that despite not being new are quite likely to continue being purchased by board gamers.  But I can't imagine stock for a typical table-top wargame to draw in sales when the game no longer is generating new support or product.

No, you are misinterpreting what I'm saying because you've made the assumption that the developers have only two choices: expand the game until it collapses under its own weight, or kill it (either slowly or rapidly) by no longer supporting it.

Through the Breach generates Malifaux sales.  Through the Breach has nothing to do with playing Malifaux, yet it generates miniatures sales and interest in the game.  Likewise, Malifaux generates interest in Through the Breach.

So Wyrd can come out with another Malifaux spin off game, Malifaux continues to progress at a controlled rate not requiring the money generating techniques pioneered in the "collectible" ('please pay $X per year to continue playing) card game systems, and benefit from the continued interest without suffocating the original game system under its own weight.  And without having to say "Okay, Malifaux's done.  You're all going to have to find different games to play now."  ;)


Edited by solkan
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It might be interesting to see a minor faction or two show up in story encounter boxes. The seven existing factions are the main movers and shakers, but there are more likely than not other groups in Malifaux with their own agents and agendas. Story boxes would be a good way of introducing and exploring those groups without taking the focus off the main factions. Making them mercenaries or giving them characteristics that tie them to existing crews would keep the models relevant outside the story encounters or being played as self contained crews.

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It might be interesting to see a minor faction or two show up in story encounter boxes. The seven existing factions are the main movers and shakers, but there are more likely than not other groups in Malifaux with their own agents and agendas. Story boxes would be a good way of introducing and exploring those groups without taking the focus off the main factions. Making them mercenaries or giving them characteristics that tie them to existing crews would keep the models relevant outside the story encounters or being played as self contained crews.

That's basically what Outcasts are at the moment though right? The catch-all faction, with a large number of mercenaries.

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That's basically what Outcasts are at the moment though right? The catch-all faction, with a large number of mercenaries.

A fair point, though I was thinking less mercenaries and more in terms of agents of governments or other organizations from Earthside. 

Earth's international politics will probably get covered in The Other Side, though I'd be interested in seeing how and if it spills over to Malifaux.


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That's basically what Outcasts are at the moment though right? The catch-all faction, with a large number of mercenaries.

A fair point, though I was thinking less mercenaries and more in terms of agents of governments or other organizations from Earthside. 

Earth's international politics will probably get covered in The Other Side, though I'd be interested in seeing how and if it spills over to Malifaux.


Earthside Government forces could be cool. I feel it could be difficult to make them distinct enough from Guild though, enough to warrant a whole faction. They could be Special Agents undercover checking up the Guild are doing what they say they are maybe? That sort of treads on 10T's toes though...

Perhaps more of a one-off duel faction Outcast/Guild master or something like that rather than a full faction? With a thematic crew of government forces.

EDIT: Which of course was more or less your original suggestion!

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