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are outcasts worth it....


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In my opinion, it's worth it to start a faction if you like at least one of the masters in said faction. The main problem with getting a master in a new faction is that other masters in the faction (or factions for dual-faction masters) start looking really nice after a very short amount of time. 

For example, I've been playing mostly Arcanists since I started the game in June. Recently, after reading the Dead of Winter fiction, i decided to pick up Tara and start playing Outcasts. After looking at what runs well with her, I've realized that it would be more cost-effective to buy certain crew boxes rather than just getting boxes of minions (Nicodem for Punk Zombies, Lady J for Death Marshals, McMourning for Nurses, Viks for Taelor & Ronin, etc), which will start costing me more In the long run, since I'm looking at starting Ressers & Guild as well as Outcasts....

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Short answer - yes. 

From a competitive standpoint, Von Schill gives you your concentrated ball of death, Misaki is your go-to killer and Tara will support a more mobile game. 

The masters all have very distinct themes that their models adhere to. Sticking to those themed models is not a terrible idea, but you do get alot of benefits from taking models from across the Faction. For instance I've often espoused the value of taking an Obedient Wretch with Malifaux Rats for both out-activating your opponent and generating some great models for placing/removing scheme markers. There's also some great value (and high damage!) mercenaries, Tara's Void Wretches can be excellent scheme runners and Levi's crew provides both summoning potential and the very nasty Ashes and Dust. 

If you're interested in getting an idea of the potential within the faction I'd recommend you check out the article I wrote in Wyrd Chronicles 15. Either way, congrats on picking the best faction - you won't regret it. ;)

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I would say Von Schill and Misaki are a bit a like. While being different. Misaki does nothing for her crew while Von Schill does probably one of the biggest buffs in the game. Von Schill isn't a huge threat in combat from what I've seen and Misaki really is. So they kinda compliment what each one is lacking but of course you can only play one at a time. 

Tara loves the Freikorps. Ask SpectreEliteGaming. Tara is a real fun master from what I've heard, read, seen. I have only played her once, it was super fun though. 

All in all. I would say yes. They are worth it. 

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It's certainly viable to only specialize in one master without committing to the faction as a whole. With that said though, Outcast is a pretty neat faction to jump into. The masters play very differently and brings a lot of different themes and mechanics. Then there is a bunch of individual models who does one thing very good. Hans shoots, Johan gets rid of conditions and beats stuff, Big Jake is great for holding quarters, etc. Applying each of those a role which sole purpose is to do a specific task is very rewarding (fun if you like to tinker with lists too) and very strong once you get the hang of it.


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I really like every Outcast master, but only like a handful of masters in other factions (Hoffman, Molly, Marcus, Zoraida, Ramos, Mr Cooper/Colette).

The great thing about Outcasts is (as already said) is that their themed lists are all quite different, but they can cross over for some very interesting combinations. Then you have Leveticus, Jack Daw, and to a lesser extent Hamelin, Tara and Misaki whose out of faction hires make them into virtual factions by themselves.

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In my opinion, it's worth it to start a faction if you like at least one of the masters in said faction. The main problem with getting a master in a new faction is that other masters in the faction (or factions for dual-faction masters) start looking really nice after a very short amount of time. 

I'm experiencing this pretty bad with Jakob Lynch, having started Outcasts with Jack daw. 

80% of this is due to how absurdly cuddly The Hungering Darkness is, 10% due to the bonkers-mad Illuminated, and 10% because there's 3 Tara players at the club I frequent, so there's lots of the Nothing beast making a mess on the carpet. Worst part is, I have to contend with the fact that the Hungering darkness is actually good in combat and has plenty of ways to hang around longer than one would initially assume. So it's not like "oh I like this pet model even though it's average at best", no it's "omgwtfbbq it's so squishy, and good!" A side-benefit is that he's the closest I'd get to using the Neverborn's stables, without actually throwing a proper claim into the Neverborn's basket, so to speak.


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The downside of starting Outcasts because you like Von Schill, Tara, and Misaki is that over time you will gradually lose your ability to resist picking up Leveticus & Hamelin.  You start out with good intentions to avoid them and then they insidiously call to you and you eventually succumb.  They are like the Dark Side in that regard.

You will also probably find it hard to avoid picking up the Viktorias (who are awesome) as the models in their box set work really really well with Misaki.

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I must disagree.  I started Outcasts with Misaki and the Viks.  Bought VS for his crew not so much him. Having sat through a match against Hamelin, I can't see myself forcing him on anyone ever.  It was so long and boring to sit through.  My first impressions, at the time, were that he was OP.  I think less like this now, but I don't see myself getting him.  Tara keeps calling my name when I'm in the flgs, though, but she puts me off being a little to tricky and card intensive.

There looks to be lots of individual models in the Outcasts that are pretty solid.  Another thing about Outcasts that I haven't seen mentioned yet, (may have missed it) is that almost all of them are mercenaries, so can be used in other factions, paying the tax of course.

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I have played all the outcast masters, and yes they are worth it.  Playing outcasts means playing variety and the odd man out.  I settled into Tara and Levi for my favorites with Von Schill and Hamelin for the nights I'm looking for a challenge.  They're all fun, and aside from Hamelin, involve no bookkeeping.  The variety you get in you crews is amazing and a surprise for the opponent.  They never know what's coming.

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If the only masters you are really interested in are Von Schill, Tara, and maybe Misaki?

Or are outcasts separate enough where it doesnt really matter?

As opposed to not playing? Or as opposed to finding a faction where you like all the Masters?

I haven't found any factions where I like all the masters. For outcasts, I don't really like Tara or Vik, and I'm on the fence with Jack. That said, I'll get a crew going for Leveticus and Hamelin, then once my model selection expands, I'll look into the other Masters until I've played all of them.

As for playing or not playing, really depends if you like the game or not. You don't have to ever build more than one crew and master, so find the Master and crew you like, then have fun. You don't need faction loyalty.

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