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campaign starting crews?


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If I've read the rules correctly, I really like the idea of the Coryphee Duet simply because of how injuries are handled. The individual Coryphee's aren't considered to have been killed when they're removed from play, so you don't have to worry about injuries with them. At the same time, since the Coryphee Duet is technically a summoned model, when the game is over, it's not considered part of your arsenal, so even if it was destroyed during the game, you don't have to worry about injuries with it either....

doesn't work quite like that, if the summoned model dies whatever sacrificed to summon it is automatically finished off

Hmm.... I must have missed that part. Where does it state that? I want to make sure I'm not missing anything else.

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Hmm... If that's the case, Coryphee's might actually be a bad idea to take, since they're just Minions. As Minions, I think they're only allowed to have a single Injury. So if you had only two bad games where the Duet was killed, you could find yourself out 14 points worth of models fairly early in a campaign....

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Played a practice game yesterday.

Snowstorm arcane reservoir. 4 stones.

2x acolytes.

Ice gamin.


Took on neverborn. Led by Barbaros aether connection, tot, doppelganger, primordial, johanna. 4 stones


The ice gamin buffing the whole crews damage was savage. As tanky as barb was he got smoked by snowy and the acolytes.

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I'm playing Lola (practiced production), Mercury, Lizzy, 2 Mannequins, and a Rattler. My first game was vs Sensei Yu, 2 Brothers, Tannen and the spider demon from the new book. Reckoning was the strategy. I took ALITS and Breakthrough. He took ALITS and an unrevealed Distract. Game ended up 7-4 in my favor, helped that I flipped 2 Red Jokers for damage during the game. Practiced Production is just so very good, its hard not to take it. I got the Toolkit Equip (interacts as 0) as a reward and took the Mark Our Territory Bounty. No one died. Picked up enough Scrip to add an Acolyte for week 2.

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Cassandra is pretty amazing in the campaign, especially if you can get her the upgrade that gives her +1 Wk. With Nimble, this means that she can place a Line in the Sand scheme marker on Turn 1.

I had a Performer turn traitor after Game 1. I'm wondering what people think I should replace her with. Another Performer? Angelika (I don't actually own the model)? An Orain (however you spell it)? Something else? Or even just save it for something bigger, like a Mechanical Rider... I've got about 8-9 scrip to blow.

Edited by Sobek
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I've currently got Baritone Lola (Cassandra) on +1 DF and Hart To Wound +1 and Smoke & Mirrors, alongside 2x Performers, 2x Mannequins and a Coryphee. I could do with something hard hitting or to provide more distractions. My crew is ridiculously squishy.

I'd save your money, like I am. I've got 10 Scrip to blow and 1 one more game of Week 1 to play. I'm gonna go for either Joss, Howard Langston or the Mech Rider.

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I want to save my Scrip for the Mech Rider, however I need to hire someone new to make up for the Performer that turned traitor. Otherwise I'm limited to only 26 points worth of models (Cassandra, Coryphee x2, Mannequin x1). I've got 8 Scrip saved currently, so could just go the cheapest route and hire another Performer, or I could spend the 6 Scrip to go with either Angelika or even an Orain.

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Being down isn't terrible, honestly.  It just makes the game size dependent on your arsenal as opposed to your opponent's.  If you want to save, just save.  You still get the free 5 Scrip at the start of the week (although you could go ahead and pick up the Mechanical Rider for 5 on a new week, too).

Heh. I completely missed that the first model you hire each week costs 5 fewer Scrip..... Hmm.... So that could mean a free Performer, 1 point for Angelika or Orain, or 7 for Mech Rider....

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