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How do we feel about Pride?


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(I only have the beta card, so I'm not sure if anything's changed...)


Pride feels incredibly focused on forcing discards, which isn't particularly synergistic outside of Misaki's crew (though it's always handy). His sphere of influence is very small, though Montressor could boost the range of his auras which would be nice. He's like an even more specialised version of Tannen.


The cost gives me pause, though. He's potentially very disruptive for a few rounds, but your opponent is going to kill him - Df 6 and Wounded Ego might make that costly, but it won't prevent it. If the opponent has models with Armor and healing, they're basically going to laugh Pride off with little effect, at which point you would have been far better served by spending the stones elsewhere.


On the other hand, sometimes you'll just completely shut down a pack of enemies, or open up the enemy Master to Hans. Pride is a little too unreliable for my comfort, but has some spectacular potential (especially with Misaki, obvs). We also usually don't have a ton of uses for lowish Rams, so it's nice to have a model that's hungry for them.

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Pride feels incredibly focused on forcing discards, which isn't particularly synergistic outside of Misaki's crew (though it's always handy). His sphere of influence is very small, though Montressor could boost the range of his auras which would be nice. He's like an even more specialised version of Tannen.


Forcing discards is great in any crew that has a lot of tests against a fixed value (terrifying, manipulative, lots of pulse abilities force a test or X). Hand pressure is ALWAYS immense (though its often tough to get a handle on how much value you get out of it). 


Taking pride in a crew with a few December Acolytes is nice for extra discards too (can't Cassandra use the discard ability with understudy too?).

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Forcing discards and the possibility to give out Slow are both mint for Jack Daw. It enhances the penalties of Penance, i.e. the Curses. And Slow+a Curse, is a meaner Paralyze, most of the times. The real problem with Pride for me is keeping him alive. Nurse or Librarian might be good companions for him.

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Forcing discards is great in any crew that has a lot of tests against a fixed value (terrifying, manipulative, lots of pulse abilities force a test or X). Hand pressure is ALWAYS immense (though its often tough to get a handle on how much value you get out of it). 


Taking pride in a crew with a few December Acolytes is nice for extra discards too (can't Cassandra use the discard ability with understudy too?).


Oh, I'm talking specifically about Outcasts. Other factions have loads of stuff that benefits from stripping the opponent's hand, but for most Outcast crews it's just a small (but still nice!) boost. I mean, Leveticus can force tons of pulse-based tests, but I still wouldn't build a Pride-focused pulse-spam list - it would be overly fragile and prone to fall flat when Pride dies (which would be very early on).


Misaki benefits hugely, and Jack to a lesser extent. The Viks will kill you whether you have cards in hand or not, as will Leveticus. Tara, Von Schill and Hamelin don't much care - the opponent having fewer cards just makes their lives easier in the same way it does for everyone.

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 Tara, Von Schill and Hamelin don't much care - the opponent having fewer cards just makes their lives easier in the same way it does for everyone.


I would say Tara could benefit a lot. Reducing your opponents hand makes aggressive burying a legit threat.

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I haven't played him yet, but I think he'll work well with some Jack Daw lists in particular.


Since he's fairly fragile for his cost and has a big Bullseye painted on his forehead, I think he'll be most effective in crews that can provide the opponent with target saturation and focus on disrupting enemy plans.  The opponent has to ask himself: do I shoot the Strongarm Suit, try to get into melee with Lazarus to stop him blowing me up, or kill Pride so I don't have to discard my hand?


Discard effects are always useful since they limit your opponent's options but I think it's easy to go overboard on them just like making a Terrifying themed list.  The major reason that I think Pride will work well with Jack is that Jack tends to have a lot of Terrifying/Manipulative models as well as some threats that can take priority over Pride. Both of which will benefit Pride.


Agree that blowing up the opponent's hand will make Misaki a lot stronger too!

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