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Could some kind soul spoil the Blood Wretches?

Math Mathonwy

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@ Math

While I somewhat agree with your points, I am not sure if they are entirely relevant in this case.


In the case of nurses for example, 3 would be bad because nurses are support models. Their Ml, baring the :ram trigger is situational, and using take your meds can be random unless you are willing to be card intensive with them (and the best offensive trigger is on crows, which eats into your hand when crows are prized in a resser crew for masters). They are fairly slow, so they don't make good scheme runners, but they do have a good number of wounds, and a nice DF, so they are good for more defensive schemes and strats.


In comparison, the Wretches have the same DF, I assume a walk of 5 given the charge of 7, have solid combat skills, a self heal if they kill, immunity to pulses and a built in :+fate on the charge. Quite simply, they are far more flexible as either scheme runners, or side beatsticks to finish the job started by a more expensive model.


Second Point, they don't need side resources like nurses or rail workers, so there is simply no comparison there, they are all built in and ready to rock.


Third point, adaptability. To be honest, I find them very adaptable as I have already said. They don't suffer from the drawbacks of other 5SS models such as needing additional cards (Nurse, Railworker) or Additional support pieces (Guild guard), or having a set kind of role (Nurse, GG), so sure I see them as adaptable to the needs of a player at any given point in time. If I could take 3, I probably would based -purely- on their flexibily and good stat line. Would I do that for every game? possibly not but I would sure as hell -consider- it. ;)

My response was to Jansen's generic exclamation of "If something is good at two models, it would be better at three models, especially if they're cheap." So my reply included many things not specifically relevant to the Blood Wretch case but rather as a refutation of the general principle put forward by Jansen (which I disagree with strongly).

That said, I really don't see Blood Wretches as being better than, e.g., Crooked Men and I don't spam Crooked Men. BW are really one-dimensional being all about the charge (Wk 5 does not a Scheme runner make) and without any real staying power. I mean, the heal is neat but a minor bonus. Two can be nice but I would never take three even if allowed to.

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Immunity to pulses and the heal on kill are both pretty situational as they are not really hitty enough to guarantee kills on demand.


I would say that a Rail worker is a lot more durable than a BW. BW is a slightly better hitter without resources, Rail worker gets better with the discard.


I don't understand why you would compare them to Guild Guards, as they are 4 SS. Witchling Stalker seems more appropriate and they hit harder against anything that isn't immune to burning (which isn't that many models), they are less durable, but Condition Removal is very useful utility.


But sure there are 5 SS models around that are.. ahem... more situational... than BWs. BWs might even be in the top tier of 5 SS, but I think they are more of a solid choice without standing out.

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