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Leveticus Summoning Crew?


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Well the Toshiro one pops to mind. 


Command the Graves?


It's already usable in both Ten Thunders and Resurrectionists. The only situation where it can't be is in a Bone Leveticus crew where Toshiro can make use of the scrap markers that Leveticus and Alyce leave lying around, although I suspect most would prefer to produce Abominations for the hope of an eventual Desolation Engine, or just the way they negatively affect all nearby enemies.

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For what it is worth, I'll throw my two cents in here.

The true power of the Levy summoning machine is Levy himself - through Desolate Soul - and Mech Rider - because its a jerk.

Other than that you are stretching too far or you are losing efficiency. When I run Rusty Alyce she's naked (unless w/ Von Schill) and I would never rely on A&D to make aboms reliably. Also, Levy is a hybrid summoner - he has some summoning but I don't think it should be a focus - just a bonus.

Your other model choices should be focused on some hitting power for support.

Feel free to do whatever for "fun" but I think you'll be sacrificing efficiency when it counts.

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For what it is worth, I'll throw my two cents in here.

The true power of the Levy summoning machine is Levy himself - through Desolate Soul - and Mech Rider - because its a jerk.

Other than that you are stretching too far or you are losing efficiency. When I run Rusty Alyce she's naked (unless w/ Von Schill) and I would never rely on A&D to make aboms reliably. Also, Levy is a hybrid summoner - he has some summoning but I don't think it should be a focus - just a bonus.

Your other model choices should be focused on some hitting power for support.

Feel free to do whatever for "fun" but I think you'll be sacrificing efficiency when it counts.


I agree.  I've only played two games with Levi.  In my first I was summoning abominations left and right, without much effort, most of the time it was just there.  That was with forgetting to use Alyce's (0) actions from the upgrade for the entire game.  Last game I put a lot of effort into summoning, burning stones for suits, etc. and got 2 aboms the whole game.  I think I need to take aboms as a nice to have and not use a lot of resources doing it.

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I agree.  I've only played two games with Levi.  In my first I was summoning abominations left and right, without much effort, most of the time it was just there.  That was with forgetting to use Alyce's (0) actions from the upgrade for the entire game.  Last game I put a lot of effort into summoning, burning stones for suits, etc. and got 2 aboms the whole game.  I think I need to take aboms as a nice to have and not use a lot of resources doing it.

Leveticus summoning needs some planning. I find that the best way of doing it is while finishing off low wound runners. Then, I mainly summon through Alyce with her (0). Its reliable and doesn't hinder any other neat triggers, as I find it often does for Leveticus. For me, Leve is my main beater, softener, or finisher, which he will need other trigger to do that job well. Then there is scrap yard Leve... Don't do that...

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  • 2 months later...

The only downer to Leveticus (and crew) summoning via Desolate Warping, is that it requires "enemy" models. I can't kill rats to make abominations, for example. This leaves any Leveticus Summoning crew rather dependent on the opponent to provide kill-able enemy models.

As for summoning crews, that Obedient Wretch can create a rat summoning chain all by herself. Rat Catchers and Rat Kings are also high enough SS models where they can be anchors for Hollow Waifs.

With Pariah of Iron, the Mechanical Rider is a solid summoner for Leveticus crews.

There's a bunch of Ressurectionist summoning models availible with Pariah of Bone, too.

Leveticus has, I think, the widest model selection of any Master.

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Toshiro loses some of his usefulness in a Leveticus crew, not being able to summon and Feudal Ties being redundant when you have to take Pariah of Bone to hire him and Punk Zombies anyway!

Still, I'd like to try him in the crew - he'd work well as an anchor for Hollow Waifs right?

Edited by Mister Feral
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Still, I'd like to try him in the crew - he'd work well as an anchor for Hollow Waifs right?

Not sure what you mean by "anchor", but his abilities mostly just apply to Minions.  Waifs, being Peons, wouldn't be affected. 

As far as upgrades only being usable within their factions, regardless of which out of faction Master that can hire them, I think their upgrades should stay exclusively within their factions.  Otherwise you run into a lot of potential balancing issues.  And not for anything, but Levi is powerful enough as he is. ;)

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Oh ok.  Well, yeah, that would work, although I'd wager there could be other models worth 6+ ss that may provide better synergy in this case.

That said, I'm a big fan of Vanessa with Levi.  Being able to 0 action command a construct on the table is pretty damn good, considering what range of models he can have at his disposal.

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Been looking into the summoning options for Leveticus. 

-Leveticus (Summons Hollow Waifs and Abominations)

-Obedient Wretch, Rat Kings, and Rat Catchers (rat summoning chain)

-Rusty Alice with Desolate Soul.

-Abominations, Desolation Engine, and Ashes and Dust.

-Mechanical Rider

-Guild Autopsy (Summons Mindless Zombies)

-Datsue Ba (Summons Gaki and Onryo)

-And to a certain extent, steam arachnids can summon their swarm counterparts.

Might have missed a few. I will note that Mindless Zombies have special use in Leveticus Crews, as they can be sacrificed to teleport Leveticus around the map via Rebirth.

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