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Leveticus Summoning Crew?


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I recently listened to a POD cast where a player said they once ran a all summoner Levi list.  He said every model he had in the list was a summoner.  I assume he meant that cost points and he had 2 Waifs as well.  I'm wondering what that would look like.  They needed significant/non-peon models for the strategy so I don't think it was a lot of Malifaux Rat summoners unless he was relying on making them into Rat Kings.  


This is what I have (edited from responses below).


Native Options


Rusty Alyce

Desolation Engine

Dust & Ashes 


Options with Pariah of Iron

Mechanical Rider


Options with Pariah of Bone

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Yes, the kill enemies summon is on her card so she can always do it. I think there's a bespoke upgrade that she can only take as a Resurrectionist that allows her to summon seishin.


If there was one tweak of the rules I'd like it's that upgrades that are specifically named for a particular unit can be taken even if the unit is being taken out of faction.

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If there was one tweak of the rules I'd like it's that upgrades that are specifically named for a particular unit can be taken even if the unit is being taken out of faction.


I have to say that I wouldn't like that particular change....

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