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Hello all, I have looked around for the answer to this with sparse luck, hopefully the community can help. In the outcasts which master do you think fits each strategy the best. It might just be me but we seem to be a faction that likes to group up. What's everyone's go to for reconnoiter?

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Leveticus is a solid choice in Recconoiter as he is quite mobile with his Waifs spreading out and can get a two model swing my killing off enemy scheme runners in each corner.  Tara is also good at it because she had a lot of AP herself to move around and can Unbury models at the end of the turn to grab/contest corners.  I also think VS is fine for this as he doesn't like to spread out that much (sure he gives bonuses to Freikorps but I often find he's off running his own game anyway).

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Leveticus is a solid recon choice as you get to choose where he reappears after all movement is done, allowing you to change the numbers in 1 quarter of your choice (well slightly within your choice). But Hamelin gets some signifigant summons/ to change things around (although he is probably a lot better at interference than Recon). Jack can make his crew pretty mobile which helps with the first couple of scoring, and is also pretty good at moving enemy models into no-score areas if he really tries.


But I personally don't think the faction has a "best" master for each stratergy. Your personal playstyle might make one of the masters better at a stratergy, but someone that plays differently to you might end up with a very different choice. Do you play to secure your quarters, or deny the enemy their quarters? That makes a difference in the outlook.

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The Outcast Masters have always struck me as being far more differentiated when it comes to schemes. The strategy doesn't overly matter - they can all do any of them just fine.

Deliver a Message? Hamelin or Tara. Assassinate? Leveticus. Breakthrough or Entourage? Jack. Kill Protege? Viktoria. Make them Suffer? Von Schill. And so on.

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