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Help against Ramos


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Hello my fellow ressers. Two of the people I play most frequently with heavily favor Ramos, because of this I end up playing against him in half of my games. I still haven't figured out how to win.  I currently have the McMourning and Seamus boxes, the hanged, punk zombies, a box of canine remains, yin and a second flesh construct. I commonly proxy stuff for autopsies (any sort of proxies are fine in my group).  With that said, I can never seem to win. Ramos just sits in his deployment zone and pumps out 2-3 spiders per turn. This is enough for him to have scheme runners or use them to tie up my own models or take away my markers. It generally does not seem to matter what the strat or scheme pool is. If only the spiders were peons I would have no problem. So anyway, what can I do against the arachnid threat?


Trying to kill Ramos never seems feasible because I would have to waste so many activations just to get into position since he just hangs out at the back of the table. If I ignore him the spider horde just gets out of hand. 

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datsue ba should be useful ignoring armour and turning spiders into gaki wheh she kills them, with their low wounds when summoned she may be able to get a couple in a turn. maybe toshiro to use up those scrap markers? a side from trying to convince you to buy more stuff could you take scheme's which force him or his minions to react to you? you did say strat or schemes don't matter so you have prob tried this. have you had any luck with sebastions catalyst and induction to kill them when they activate? a mcmourning crew does seem like it would be better at taking down lots of spiders and still eb abel to deal with their bigger firends, and scheme run to force him to do more then just sit at the back. have you tried to use yin to give him -ve to ca? i haven't played against ramos yet but one of our good players has him so looking forward to what other folks offer up.

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Does he use the counterspell upgrade? If not Lure is your friend.

I find it there is no one worse for Ramos to walk up against than McMourning doing the poison bomb route.

If Ramos is packing the counterspell you start by combo luring Joss and kill him off. After that Langston. After that other bigger / key models. Ramos and his spiders alone won't last forever.

Things you need 2x Belles, Decaying Aura upgrade, Sebastian and Rafkin packing Transfusion, Chihuahua, Autopsies, one nurse to push in even more poison on your models and fill the rest with what you want, flesh construct is a good one too to carry the poison load around. Make two models pack poison 9+ and that's some dead models there.

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Does he use the counterspell upgrade? If not Lure is your friend.

I find it there is no one worse for Ramos to walk up against than McMourning doing the poison bomb route.

If Ramos is packing the counterspell you start by combo luring Joss and kill him off. After that Langston. After that other bigger / key models. Ramos and his spiders alone won't last forever.

Things you need 2x Belles, Decaying Aura upgrade, Sebastian and Rafkin packing Transfusion, Chihuahua, Autopsies, one nurse to push in even more poison on your models and fill the rest with what you want, flesh construct is a good one too to carry the poison load around. Make two models pack poison 9+ and that's some dead models there.


Also, shoot the spiders with your autopsies and watch them pop in sebastians aura.

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Yeah I can definitely imagine that the Zombie Chihuahua would be a great asset in this. If he is grouping up his spiders you can run the little doggie in and dish out a large amount of Poison. Then, as is said above, have Sebastian around to take a significant amount of damage. McMourning ignores Armour so he seems like the natural choice here. Shikome also ignore armour so aren't a bad choice and with all the poison are pretty Action effecient. Evidence Tampering also seems like a good upgrade to steal away the Scheme Marker advantage. Also, the more models you can take out with Poison and Expunge the more models you have to deal with his Scheme runners so I don't think it would be a waste going after his Spiders with McMourning necessarily. Going for Paralyze on Ramos or Joss (who I assume helps him generate Scrap) with Nurses is not a bad idea either, he will rely on cards more than you do so going with a high card will put him in a tough position with Paralyze.

With Seamus though I reckon Terrifying is your friend. Facing Terrifying models is card intensive so fairly good against Summoning crews. Also, as mentioned above, Seamus is really good at getting across the board and also very good at killing. He's also not as worried about being pushed away by Ramos' Trigger because of his gun.

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The poison bomb is one way to get rid of him but in my experience Ramos is standing at the back so getting all the bits to him might take a little time (if he doesn't have Howard swing in and chop up your poison carrier before you can line it up). It might take you a few attempts to get it working.


However I did find the bubble pop against his spiders to really work a treat if you have them in one place (this requires a few dogs and the good doctor himself).


Take the plastic surgery upgrade and Moonlighting on McM. Then push as close as possible to the spider groups and then use Rancid Transplant to give them all poison (and reduce wounds). Then when they die they become dogs, denying Ramos his precious scrap markers. The dogs can then go after Ramos himself if you have a lot of them. 

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