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Wyrd should make League and Tourney Kits for Malifaux

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Several other game companies now produce both League and Tourney kits for their competitive miniature games.   What these are for people who are unfamiliar is kits that shops can order which contain a promotional poster, some small participation items like alternative art stat cards, or foil stat cards, small patches, coins,  along with some small prizes for 'winning' which could be some of the aforementioned or slightly cooler.  All this stuff is not available outside of the kits.   League kits usually come with fluff, interesting rules/scenarios as well.   These kits are not free, companies don't lose money on them, they sell them to shops who buy  them through their normal channels when they are running things.   


Wyrd should do this...



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You could probably find equal numbers of people who do and don't want this.


Competitive play is its own beast, and tends to shape its related game to extremes which the designers usually did not intend.  With that, the competitive community tends to redefine how the game is played, and aggressively promote that new "one true way" to play the game.  While Malifaux is amazingly balanced, I have no doubt that it could become a game of optimized lists and standardized terrain layouts if competitive play was rewarded.


Personally, I hope Wyrd never promotes competition like this.  There are other games which cater for people who want to add high stakes to their leisure time.

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I have no doubt that it could become a game of optimized lists and standardized terrain layouts if competitive play was rewarded.

It can be like this outside of tournaments and leagues though as well if your meta consists of highly competitive people. Regular games can be turned to this kind of a mindset as well.

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It seems to me that they way tournament games are played in Malifaux is already the way MOST games are played of Malifaux. 50ss, using the same strategies, schemes, FAQs, etc. The only difference I can think of is that tournament games are timed, so a full 5+ turns is not often able to be played. If I were a betting man, I'd even wager that Justin et al intended for M2E to be played competitively. Games like 40K are designed without much balance in mind, and with poorly worded and thought out rules. Malifaux works so well, and is so largely intuitive, that I would be amazed, frankly, if "being appropriate for competitive play" was not one of the design goals when they started writing M2E.

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Malifaux is a fun, competitive game. Whether that manifests itself in tournaments or not is entirely up to a local scene.


I don't like the dialectic I often see created between competitive and casual or tournaments and fun. I personally don't care for tournaments, but I think I am competitive, casual, and fun all rolled into one.


Anyway, that's a bit of an aside. The idea has been discussed, and that's all there is to say on it right now.

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I believe the new book is coming with campaign rules.  You do not need strict tournaments for organized play kits.  These can be something to make organizing groups more exciting.  Privateer Press runs a pretty laid back regular league that has some support. 


I see no reason why this sort of thing would be bad at all.  It is simply extra stuff to keep people excited and enjoying the game.  I think it is a very good idea.

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It seems to me that they way tournament games are played in Malifaux is already the way MOST games are played of Malifaux. 50ss, using the same strategies, schemes, FAQs, etc. The only difference I can think of is that tournament games are timed, so a full 5+ turns is not often able to be played. If I were a betting man, I'd even wager that Justin et al intended for M2E to be played competitively. Games like 40K are designed without much balance in mind, and with poorly worded and thought out rules. Malifaux works so well, and is so largely intuitive, that I would be amazed, frankly, if "being appropriate for competitive play" was not one of the design goals when they started writing M2E.



Honestly even just a pack with patches, medals, coins, foil stat cards, whatever even if you are to use the rules listed in the Main Book.   Just something to bump it up a notch.  The Campaign system in the new books is probably geared to 2 person or a few person campaign...  not a league format with a dozen players but who knows.

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Malifaux is a fun, competitive game. Whether that manifests itself in tournaments or not is entirely up to a local scene.


I don't like the dialectic I often see created between competitive and casual or tournaments and fun. I personally don't care for tournaments, but I think I am competitive, casual, and fun all rolled into one.


Anyway, that's a bit of an aside. The idea has been discussed, and that's all there is to say on it right now.


Give that man a cookie! Or some of my $$$!

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