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Which 2nd Master - New Player


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Thanks, I have promised myself that I would hit 10 games before making model changes so I can get used to the crew and how models interact with each other I have been using the below crew in 4 games so far (again with the disclaimer that I want to learn all the models before I start selecting for Schemes and Strategies) so still have another 6 to go before I make any changes and will focus on playing Poltergeist more conservative then I have been in an attempt to gain some insight into how I need to play him to get the most out of him!


Pandora (6SS Cache)

+Fugue State 2ss

+Voices 1ss


Poltergeist - 5 SS


Baby Kade - 7 SS

+ Depression 1ss


Candy - 9 SS

+ Best Behaviour


Sorrow - 5 SS


Sorrow - 5 SS


Teddy - 11 SS


I have (I think) managed to figure out what Schemes I can accomplish relatively easy so I have two that I class as "Safe" VPS are Breakthrough and Entourage (both with Pandora) as I find that my opponents are more likely to ignore Pandy then to go after her so I typically can bet on getting at least 3VP in a given game, I have also found that with Pandora's set up she is also great at denying my opponent VPS from completing their own schemes by making models insignificant.

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Totems aren't essential. You can happily play with out one in your crew.


I find the poltigiest to be as survivable as a sorrow, and generally more useful. But he does generally come with a huge target on his head, as so gets killed early.


The Primordial magic is one of the best totems in the game, who I would happily take with almost any master. If it wasn't a totem I think it would appear in just about every single list it could.

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Oh Poltergeist is a Woe as well isn't he? I forgot that Pandora can take damage on his behalf due to Martyr!! I might have a look into Iggy as well as I am fairly sure that my friend has an old Metal knocking about somewhere (he's the school child in uniform holding fire right?)

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I think that Puke Worm is really good, for any Neverborn master. 


But I do think from what I've read (haven't played Pandora yet), that you probably should look at the Poltergeist more like a specialized Sorrow than an expendable totem. Not sure is that helpful, but that's how I'd probably play with the 'Geist. But you can never go wrong with Pukey, seriously. 

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I charged the whisky golem that had 8 out of 9 wd left that was in combat with Pandora. Poltergeist attack is vs will power, so misery works wonders.

1 point form misery, 6 red joker damage drops to 5 with armor, 1 point from another misery and 1 point from a weak damage = 8 killing the whiskey golem. Poltergeist had poison 4 and Pandora poison 2 at that end of it.

The red joker was fortunate but I had a good number of high cards incase I needed to add some extra power to the attack power. The fact that he is 1/1/5 with an enemy at a negative resist flip means if you have the cards their is very few things he can not kill. This was my first activation turn 2 game 2: the lists, strategy and schemes are in the Falling Into Madness - Pandora Experience post.

The poltergeist is weaker vs range crews but is really nice for a late activation tie up or teamed with other woes.

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The Primordial Magic is a great and cheap totem. The Poltergeist is a great and expensive totem.


Other than them both being totems, they serve very different roles. The Poltergeist can really mess with an opponents crew, but it's rather fragile. Being that it's fragile and potent, it will be a target by anyone who knows anything about Pandora. Overall, a Poltergeist will be far more useful for Pandora if you can keep it alive.


I'd say if you are going to be spread out due to the strategy, you might be better off with the Primordial Magic. But Pandora really likes to keep it fairly close with her crew and not spread out. As long as you're not forced to spread out, take the Poltergeist and keep it a little more protected and you'll start getting a lot more mileage out of it.

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I would defiantly run a "core" part with Pandora or around a sorrow and then consider a second "sub-core" that have there own synergy or smaller non synergetic flanking units, like young or slurrids.
I am liking the idea of Tannen and Greaves forming 1 sub core and poltergeist, Pandora and a Sorrow forming another with some madnesses thrown in.

I tend to shot for 8 models and try to go 3-4 in my core and the rest paired up near incase I need to spend a turn moving to reinforced my core... young and slurrids are good because they tend not to care about terrain so they can get back to the center in 1 turn.

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See I do this already, I usually run Pandora, 2x Sorrows and Poltergeist together then run Kade and Teddy as a tag team with Candy floating somewhere in between. I still loose the Poltergeist really early, I am thinking that perhaps my opponent knows Pandora and her crew better than me which is why he focusses down the Poltergeist as soon as he can. He typically looks to target in this order

  1. Poltergeist
  2. Bady Kade
  3. Candy
  4. Sorrows

I tend to find that Pandora is left alone as is Teddy unless he is confident of isolating and eradicating them quickly in one activation

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's basically my Pandora


Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap
Pandora -- 3 Pool
+The Box Opens [2]
  • Primordial Magic [2]
  • Baby Kade [7]
+Depression [1]
  • Candy [9]
+Best Behavior [1]
  • Doppleganger [7]
  • Sorrow [5]
  • Sorrow [5]
  • Teddy [11]


It works pretty well but I'm not a good player. Yet. Also those are the only models I have (+Poltergeist and one more Sorrow from the box).


I want to buy a next master but I don't know which one. I'd like to buy aroud 2 boxes and be able to field 50pts list with it. Right now considering Lilith and Nephilims or Zoraida and Waldgeists. Would I need anything more to make those masters viable at 50pts? What about the Dreamer? His box looks pretty low on points and considering his summoning abilities I'd need many more models.... how many?

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I want to buy a next master but I don't know which one. I'd like to buy aroud 2 boxes and be able to field 50pts list with it. Right now considering Lilith and Nephilims or Zoraida and Waldgeists. Would I need anything more to make those masters viable at 50pts? What about the Dreamer? His box looks pretty low on points and considering his summoning abilities I'd need many more models.... how many?

I love Lilith and the Nephilim and the Mother of Monsters is a great boxset to pick up, then again Lilith works extremely well with the Swampfiends from Zoraida set, to be honest I would pick up both and also a box of Waldgeists and a Doppleganger. I'm very interested in The Dreamer but I am waiting (im)patiently for the rest of the models to be released before I pick up his boxset.

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Ordered Lilith and Nephilims. Will get them next week because of reasons.


Next month I'll buy Zoraida and Waldgeists. Maybe Nekima as well.


Then I'll dive into the Dreamer and Collodi but Wyrd Sisters first, the Maid, the Mother and the.... other one.

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