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Expanding The Viktoria's


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I just had the strangest mental image of the two Viks and Vanessa strolling around showing the Student of Conflict the correct way to chop off heads while she engages in the typical airheaded blonde "why?" questions as she practices. Much like Mindy on Animaniacs.


From the sounds of things a couple of Void Wraiths wouldn't hurt, but I think I've used up my budget for the month. Maybe next month.


Hahaha yeah that sounds about right for my mental image of the Student. 


Void Wretches are awesome little scheme runners for any Outcast crew. Ronin get the job done but Void Wretches are much better. 

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The list you've got there is quite killy, but you've got basically nothing that can quickly cover ground to place Scheme markers. In some scenarios that's going to be fine, but most of the time you'll want something mobile unless you intend to use the Viks to run Schemes (which can be a very effective way to switch up their game).


If you're taking Sisters in Fury, I'd recommend a Malifaux Child instead of the Student. Move it upfield near Vanessa, and it can provide both healing and casting support for the Viktorias.


The Vanessa/Lazarus combo has never felt particularly effective to me, even though it looks great on paper. YMMV.


So what would you use as a Scheme Runner?

I'm not a fan of the Ronins.  If I'm using them as a scheme runner, then I don't want to get them in melee if I can help it - and their Sh it so pitiful that they can't even take advantage of a poorly placed model!

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Masterdisaster gave you an answer in the previous post.


True that, Void Wretches are the shiz! When Wave 3 drops they could find themselves with a contender. The Winged Plague could very easily take their spot as No. 1 Outcast scheme runner. With Ht 1, Flight and Armour +1 and a half decent Df of 5 they are looking like they could very well be a great choice. 

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Ronin can make pretty decent scheme runners, mostly because they can beat up most other scheme runners and push away from things that try to engage them. Their shooting sucks though, no arguments there, and they've got no speed tricks.


The default go-to Outcast scheme runners are the Void Wretches - Incorporeal makes them elusive, and they're fast and cheap.


Personally, I think one of the Outcast faction's main strengths is in using beefy scheme runners - Bishop and the Ashes & Dust are my favourites. Models with 3 AP have a huge advantage in placing Schemes, they'll beat seven kinds of tar out of any other scheme runner they meet, and you can always repurpose them mid-game into frontline fighters.

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