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Expanding The Viktoria's


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On what to get to expand your Viktorias crew:


I agree with everything that has been suggested so far. If you are going to get Vanessa, I would also suggest getting Lazarus (or Ashes and Dust when it comes out) so you can get some mileage out of her Command Construct. (0) obeys are pretty good, y'know.


Once the Hodgepodge Emissary comes out (assuming that the rules are the same as the beta), the Viktorias are going to get a big boost for synergy with other Mercenary models, so the Freikorps are all good choices, as well as Convict Gunslingers, Johan, and Hans.


On the Desperate Mercenaries and 4-stone minions:


It is kind of a shame that the Mercs are such pants, I agree. I will champion Wild Firing, though. It is pretty easy to give Mercs plus flips on attacks, and Wild Firing can flip a lot of cards for you. Flip enough cards and, at some point, a duel will go your way. Even if the opponent can cheat so the attack doesn't hit, wasting control cards on a Desperate Mercenary is a net win for the Merc.


Not to mention, if most of your severe cards are in your hand or in your discard pile, Wild Firing does a pretty good job of thinning out your deck. The more severe cards you play, the more likely it is that you will flip low, and the more low flips you have, the more the odds drift back towards 50/50. As with most risk analysis, it isn't exactly a hard and fast rule, but there are times where I believe Wild Firing is the right choice. It's just that those times are never when you actually want to hit the enemy, is all.


That being said, I still wouldn't ever take a Desperate Mercenary...


Void Wretches are pretty awesome, but I am most interested in seeing how the Winged Plague looks in the final rules set. Armor 1, Height 1, Flight, walk 6? Pretty much the perfect stat line for a scheme runner. Pure Nothingness and Incorporeal frequently fail the Void Wretches, and if you aren't using any burying effects, a lot of the cool stuff Wretches have doesn't come into play.


Hectic Glow still beats the pants off of The Wounds Fester, but we'll see about the rest.

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I would get the

Levy box for Rusty Alice + the Abominations which I find useful for Reconnoiter summoning and denying corpse / scrap markers is useful

Von Schill box for the librarian just for the healing but also the Trapper (2 is better) useful for Stake a Claim but are good all around snipers

Void Wretchs are an auto include just for scheme running Hannah is a really good tool box can be used as an extra healer (if near the librarian) for the Viks and if you put sisters in fury on Blood she can cast the spell as a 0

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Don't put Sisters in Fury on Blood. It is a waste of her killing potential. Blood needs Oathkeeper and Mark of Shez'uul on her to be ultimate killing machine. Sisters in Fury belongs to Ash and if you want to save her AP for other stuff either keep Student nearby to give Ash fast or use Malifaux Child to cast it from save distance (aka from behind of Vanessa where Child can stay safely and heal all Sisters in one go :D)

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Don't put Sisters in Fury on Blood. It is a waste of her killing potential. Blood needs Oathkeeper and Mark of Shez'uul on her to be ultimate killing machine. Sisters in Fury belongs to Ash and if you want to save her AP for other stuff either keep Student nearby to give Ash fast or use Malifaux Child to cast it from save distance (aka from behind of Vanessa where Child can stay safely and heal all Sisters in one go :D)


I disagree. The love of Oathkeeper is well founded, of course, but there is definitely a place in the game for SiF on Viktoria of Blood. I don't leave home without Hannah for my Viktoria crew, and she can cast SiF with her (0) if VoB has it. Not only do you get the buff without having to spend AP on it, but Hannah gets it as well. The first time that you drop double blasts dealing 6 damage a piece on the opponent, you won't ever want to go back.

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I disagree. The love of Oathkeeper is well founded, of course, but there is definitely a place in the game for SiF on Viktoria of Blood. I don't leave home without Hannah for my Viktoria crew, and she can cast SiF with her (0) if VoB has it. Not only do you get the buff without having to spend AP on it, but Hannah gets it as well. The first time that you drop double blasts dealing 6 damage a piece on the opponent, you won't ever want to go back.

Yep that's why I said it. it can be a nice little surprise when you do it for the first time but I wouldn't use the combo all the time and tend to switch up between her and the Malifaux Child but she does find a way into most of my crews

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Problem is that you need to keep Hannah close to Blood to have even a possibility to cast SiF. And if we are talking about sling-shot tactics then you have 3 models (Ash, Blood and Hannah) which has to get stuck together to work it out. Viks must be really flexible on their positioning to work well and dragging Hannah behind them is not the best idea.


And after you sling Blood out then you have to use Blood to cast it again which you you won't have a time to do, because either you spend those APs on charging another target or run the hell out of the danger. Not to mention losing Blood with Mark of Shez'uul and SiF is really painful for you, more painful than losing Blood with Mark of Shez'uul only.


I've tested this already and don't think it beats Blood (Mark+Oathkeeper) + Ash (SiF+sling) + Child combo.

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Problem is that you need to keep Hannah close to Blood to have even a possibility to cast SiF. And if we are talking about sling-shot tactics then you have 3 models (Ash, Blood and Hannah) which has to get stuck together to work it out. Viks must be really flexible on their positioning to work well and dragging Hannah behind them is not the best idea.


And after you sling Blood out then you have to use Blood to cast it again which you you won't have a time to do, because either you spend those APs on charging another target or run the hell out of the danger. Not to mention losing Blood with Mark of Shez'uul and SiF is really painful for you, more painful than losing Blood with Mark of Shez'uul only.


I've tested this already and don't think it beats Blood (Mark+Oathkeeper) + Ash (SiF+sling) + Child combo.

I agree and have played both styles my Viks tend to work independently with Blood with mark + oath keeper working with Hannah and Ash with survivalist + oath keeper + SiF working with the Librarian with the pesky child hanging out in the background

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Yeah, I've started liking Malifaux Child over the Student of Conflict lately.  As for other models - Freikorps Trapper is always handy to have around, and Convict Gunslingers are deliciously shooty.  


Ronins.....Oh, if only their shooting wasn't so pointless!!


Any other additions would be scheme/strat specific.


Vanessa....somehow, all she's done for me is die and waste SS.

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So what I'm reading from here that I like the sounds of in terms of expanding is:

Hans (purchased)

Vanessa (purchased)

Malifaux Child (will purchase)

Void wretches (will purchase probably along with Tara's crew)

Hannah (need persuading)

I wish Sisters in spirit was a Ca action so the Child could cast it, but I guess the loss of the Students SiS is made up for by the Child's healing and ability to cast a leaders action.

Would those additional models then be a good base for selecting from for pretty much all strategies and schemes? I.e enough flexibility across all.

Thanks for all the help by the way

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Gunslingers are one of those models that either gets killed, or can gun down any enemy model within an activation. They are pretty good with Hamelin since he can Obey them to fire even more.


I have faced Vanessa plenty of times, although lacking in defences, she can pack a punch. Sure she is ml 5, but she can hit for 4/6/8. Her CA is outstanding. Her (0) brings some versatility for crew composition. And her healing really benefits the Viks. For 8ss she is pretty darn solid.

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I have never gotten anything from convicts? I would really like to like them though. The metal male model is amazing.


You poor bastard. Mine are incredible - three shots at Sh6 plus Trigger Happy makes their damage output downright sickening. "Any enemy model" is a bit of a stretch, but they sure put out the hurt.

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As a viable model, I am pretty down on the Gunslingers (way too squishy for me), but when they shine they do it very bright. I have used them a couple of times with Hamelin and they have shot things to pieces some games, while simply dying and felt like a complete waste of ss in others. I would say that they require a gamblers heart to field.

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I suppose I need to try fit the convict gunslinger more into my lists. I've just never seen him do much or at all.

I don't think I would take the gunslinger outside a friendly list I took 2 to run along side Sue and apart from being a tarpit they didn't do much

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I've...actually had a lot of success with Desperate Mercs. >_>

Once you get past the stat of 4, they do pretty good damage and have a really good charge range. They've got guns, so they can hold a spot on the table and still contribute, unlike wretches. Plus, once they take some damage and get that + to attacks, they start hitting more than you would expect.

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If they take damage it means they are already dead :D


If they take damage from an enemy unit maybe, but you could have a rat bite one if you're playing the Outcast Pause Button and it wouldn't be much of a waste. Then you just have to position them carefully and you've got a 3-stone model with a somewhat decent attack that might waste an AP or two from your opponent. It's not completely worthless, but Void Wretches and the flying rats are still strictly better choices.

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