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Blackblood, Timing, and Grow



A Blackblood Shaman casts Blackblood Pustule on a Terror Tot within 12" with 1 remaining wound. The Pustule pulse kills an enemy non-peon model. Are the Tot killed or can it Grow? Timing rule is listed below. NB. If a model is reduced to 0 wounds, it is killed and immediately taken off the table. I would say that the Tot dies before it can Grow. The argument for Grow is that the acting model (i.e. the Shaman) gets to resolve its abilities first, thus the Tot would Grow before it is killed.


General Timing Most Abilities grant a passive effect, some of which have their effect when a model suffers damage or is killed. Whenever any Ability happens at the same time as any Triggers, the Triggers are resolved first. If two Abilities happen at the same time, resolve them in the
following order:
1. The Acting Model resolves its Abilities.
2. The Defending Model (if there is one)
resolves its Abilities.
3. Any other models controlled by the
First player resolves all of their Ability effects
in any order the First player chooses.
4. Any other models controlled by the
Second player resolves all of their Ability
effects in any order the Second player

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