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Best "Out of the box" Starter?


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So I'm looking to get into Malifaux and after looking at all of the various crews and masters, I think ALL of them look bloody fantastic!


There strangely is not one I wouldn't pick! Now for the near future I may be limited on my budget, so will only really be able to get a Starter (This might change!)


I understand some contain a lot lower points than others, but overall which could you get out of the box and do okay with without needing to add anything?


Given this, what would you say are the best "Out of the Box" starters?


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Latigo Posse - Perdita box set


Hired Swords - Viktoria box set (currently sold out on webstore)


The Kin - Ophelia box set


I think Ten Thunders is the Faction that most requires extra purchases for any crew. They're all about experimentation. Which is a blast, but can be expensive.

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Thanks for the (super fast) replies guys, now thats what you call a pretty damn awesome community!


Out of curiousity (because I like see through stuff, aka translucent starters on the store atm), how are: The Dreamer, Pandora & Tara out of the box?


One final question, if I could afford a single booster/mini as well as the starter, would the ones you've recommended still be the best to go for? I ask because some starters are cheaper than others, which would allow me to buy a model or two to go along with them!

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I haven't been able to wrap my head around Tara's crew. You should read her rules before you get her, and definitely search the forums for crew list suggestions. I imagine she will need more fighting power added as her crew is about getting rid of her hand to give her minions higher DF.


The Dreamer is probably the worst out-of-box starter crew. He comes with Insignificant creatures which cannot get most Victory Points. Fun master with lots of possibilities (I like combining him with Stitched Togethers, Teddy, and the creepy kids) but do not get him on a budget.


Lady J can add a couple Executioners or Riflemen nicely. Perdita is pretty much set with her box. You could add a Pistolero, Executioner, Riflemen, etc. 


Viktoria can add Convict Gunslingers for cheap shooters or Hans for an expensive sniper. 


Which box set do you like the best, aesthetically?

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Latigo Posse. Perdita. I'd say the best one out of the box. 


Yeah, I'd second that. The Kin are good as well.


Ramos is a very good box as well, although adding a box of Steam Arachnids is a good choice.


Tara and Dreamer are not very good starter boxes, as they both want some (a lot in Dreamer's case) of additional models. Pandora is a good box if you add a Teddy.

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Latigo Posse - Perdita box set


Hired Swords - Viktoria box set (currently sold out on webstore)


The Kin - Ophelia box set


I think Ten Thunders is the Faction that most requires extra purchases for any crew. They're all about experimentation. Which is a blast, but can be expensive.


I wouldn't say Hired Swords is one of the best 'out of the box' starters. I think (personally) if it had only one Ronin and Vanessa instead of two other Ronins it would. But I must admit it is still very good option for start.

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Sorry for the slow reply! What I've narrowed it down to:


Looks Wise: Tara, Ramos, Ophilia

Gameplay wise (after quickly reading the wiki's): Lilith (love the idea of creating terrain for some reason)


From what you guys are saying, Ramos or Ophilia seems to be the best way to go....

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Ramos and Ophelia are really good masters both. Ramos requires some additional purchases in the form of: more spiders, electrical creation and he is good to go. Ophelia likes Slop Haulers and possibly the Som'er boxset to be good to go. 

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I love Lilith. Taking her to Gen Con this year. But she definitely requires more purchases. Nekima, Teddy, Candy, Mature Nephilim, Lilu, Black Blood Shamans (whenever they get around to making them). Not really a box set crew.


Don't know much about Ramos, but I've heard good things. And Ophelia is just a blast to play with her box set. There are tons of gremlins and pigs to eventually add to her.


I guess the question is:


spiders or piggies?

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Ramos and Ophelia are really good masters both. Ramos requires some additional purchases in the form of: more spiders, electrical creation and he is good to go. Ophelia likes Slop Haulers and possibly the Som'er boxset to be good to go. 


Meaning that Ramos is ready for play with the box and an Arachnids box, and ready for non-beginner games with an Electrical Creation. Ophelia is good for beginner games with Slop Haulers (and a lot of terrain, so you keep your friends :D ) and ready for competitive play with the Somer box.


Lilith would at least require a Nephilim box for beginner games, but as she is flexible enough to run the whole Neverborn faction, she aslo wants the choices for advanced play.

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Spiders or Piggies, now that IS the age old question :D hehe will have to have a good think about that one..... You guys have been amazing help, you really have!


Yeah, I think Lilith would probably be my "If I love this game and choose a second master" choice as she does seem really, reeeeally fun! Say, what would you add to Lilith as "must haves" after the initial crew box?


One final question while I make my choice, and this ones actually for my housemate! He's gonna buy a starter himself, and I'm 86% sure (arbitrary number) he's going to be drawn in by the Hired Guns starter as he loves that kinda look.


Given that I'm picking spiders or piggies, how well would Hired Guns do against spiders/piggies, in a sense of "Would one dominate the other with ease?"

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Given that I'm picking spiders or piggies, how well would Hired Guns do against spiders/piggies, in a sense of "Would one dominate the other with ease?"


Nah, not really. In smaller games, Ramos might be better because summoners susally are, but at 50 SS, you should have no problems. The best add for Hired Guns are a Strongarm Suit and Lazarus, maybe Hannah.


Yeah, I think Lilith would probably be my "If I love this game and choose a second master" choice as she does seem really, reeeeally fun! Say, what would you add to Lilith as "must haves" after the initial crew box?


A box of Waldgeists, for Schemes were you need staying power, and a box of Nephilim. After that, the Neverborn faction is open for you: Nekima, Teddy, Lynch crew are usual choices.

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Viktoria can add Convict Gunslingers for cheap shooters or Hans for an expensive sniper. 

Convict Gunslingers are hardly cheap at 7 SS. I'd add Void Wretches for cheap scheme running or Vanessa if you want some ranged.




Kirai's box can not be legally fielded, too few points for a master led game. Dreamer can squeak by with some upgrades. :P

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Okay, granted, probably all those three. Order doesn't really matter. :D


Well my experience so far is, Strongarm is invaluable, absolutely amazing and super fun to play. Hannah is very much the glue that holds the crew together and makes it as a unit. Lazarus belongs to Ramos for all the 50 shades of Filth.

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Just to keep you guys updated, going for Ophelia :D I couldn't resist a pig wearing goggles, what more could someone want from a faction... in any game!


Good choice. Ophelia is tons of fun.


Just for your information, Ophelia's crew is a ranged crew and thus heavily favored in games with sparse terrain. You'll want to make sure you have the right amount of terrain if you play Ophelia. Just saying.

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Good choice. Ophelia is tons of fun.

Just for your information, Ophelia's crew is a ranged crew and thus heavily favored in games with sparse terrain. You'll want to make sure you have the right amount of terrain if you play Ophelia. Just saying.

Yeah. When you think you have enough terrain. Add more. :P

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Just to keep you guys updated, going for Ophelia :D I couldn't resist a pig wearing goggles, what more could someone want from a faction... in any game!

An excellent choice! Welcome to the best faction!

Once you feel like expanding, Slop Haulers and Bayou Gremlins would be really nice additions. Then you'll have a tournament-worthy force that can tackle any Strategy and give at least as good as they take against any enemy.


I love Lilith. Taking her to Gen Con this year. But she definitely requires more purchases. Nekima, Teddy, Candy, Mature Nephilim, Lilu, Black Blood Shamans (whenever they get around to making them). Not really a box set crew.

We have a local player who has just the Lilith box and the Mature and Young Nephilim box and has been happily playing for a year now. Lilith is so insanly versatile that just that very basic crew can hadle anything, really. He did get some Waldgeists lately to add some more staying power.
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