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Metal Kaeris crew


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Picked up a metal Kaeris box from eBay (should I have waited..? I guess I'll be proxying some of the stuff that will be in the plastic one!) and these are the results.


Nothing overly-clever in the painting, just basic colours, dry-brushing and inking. 






I dithered a long time with the wings, as there are plenty of examples on the internet of how to paint them. In the end I went with a dark Desert Yellow, with a drybrush of bronze to give an aged metallic look - finished off with the ubiquitour Army Painted Quickshade medium tone.




Here she is close up - I rarely try and paint eyes on models, as it often ends up looking, well, either rubbish or just really a bit Papa Lazarou, but these seems to have come out OK.




Black base coat, heavy white drybrush, yellow, Orange ink, then black reverse-highlights, Army Painter wash and a bit of grey drybrush to finish. I thought the faces on these looked quite skull-like so I did them in black and then drybrushed them in white, finishing off with red eyes. A partial success...but they do look mean!




Differentiating a flame being shot from a being which is, erm, flame was a bit tricky, so I didn't Army-painter the flameball and also gave it a pale blue drybrush at the end to suggest some sort of magical/electrical element to the flames




Very pleased with the hair on this one - black undercoat, heavy white drybrush, then yellow, then orange ink, finished with a bit of Ushabti Bone drybrushing. 




His face is hidden under his hat, so I managed to take this photo from below to show his goggles.


See more of these on my website

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