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It's really interesting how the views differ. I mean, most totems are not that important or do that much... and still people use them wildly different, and prefer different things.


For example, for a while Student of Conflict with Dita was really popular, and it wasn't even mentioned until now, was it?

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And thats what I (even though I`m a newbie) really like about this game. That there is no real metagame and not many auto-includes (maybe an Austringer, but you can certainly play without him). Its all down to preferences, experience with said model/Master etc.


I will try Student + Lady J when my Hired Sword box comes.

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For example, for a while Student of Conflict with Dita was really popular, and it wasn't even mentioned until now, was it?


Third post actually, but its not gotten a ton of love.  I've always gotten the impression that its one of those situations where you can do something really cool, but its not particularly cost efficient (which I feel sums up the Student in general).  It's also one of the few Guild situations where the Totem opportunity cost is also particularly high.


The opportunity cost thing is really what kills me for most of the totems.  For 3 stones I can take another Hound that is going to do far more to win me the game than nearly every totem in Guild.  Most Guild Totems just don't honestly do that much, particularly compared to other faction's totems, many of which just cost 2.

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Perdita- Enslaved Neph- I like him

Sonnia- Purifying Flame-  Much prefer the Child with Sonnia, Never found the Flame that useful

McMourning- Chihuahua- auto take

Lucius- Scribe- Never take

Lady J- Scales- Never Take

Hoffman- Mechanical Attendant- Don't use him

Lucas- Luna- Don't use him


I want to like the Govorner's Proxy more, but the WK of 3 just does him in. He really, really needs a WK4 or better range on his healing to keep up with the crew. 

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Eh, I'll do the straight up rating:


Justice - The card draw aspect is underrated if you adjust play for it, but he should have cost 2 regardless

Sonnia - Another should cost 2, IMO.  I'd love it if this guy was significant like the Emberling.  Then he'd be excellent, even at 3.  Child is generally better.

Perdita - Very solid, does something extremely powerful.  Definitely a worthwhile pick.

McMourning - Not superb in Guild, but at 2 cost is happy to provide an activation if nothing else and definitely functions well with his Master

McCabe - Simply fantastic

Lucius - Highly mediocre, but due to Devil's Deal technically better than saving 2 SS for the cache

Hoffman - Fairly good.  Null Field definitely has its uses and can provide a tiny bit of support if other things are looped in first.  2 cost actions have a niche, but the Child probably enhances Hoffman more.


Proxy - I cannot fathom why he costs 3.  He might get left at home costing 1. :(

Child - Good with a few specific masters, but pricey.

Student - Cool, but 5 SS for insignificant just has too much opportunity cost.




Luna, Nephilim

Attendant, Chihuahua, Child


Scales, Flame, Student 


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The problem with scales is that it depends quite a bit on your opponents play style. If they are very loose and fast with their hand it can be hard to get any cards, Arcane Reservoir is guaranteed to work. That said, if I played Lady J I think I would take Scales most of the time, the odds of getting at least one card a turn seems decent enough.

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The problem with scales is that it depends quite a bit on your opponents play style. If they are very loose and fast with their hand it can be hard to get any cards, Arcane Reservoir is guaranteed to work. That said, if I played Lady J I think I would take Scales most of the time, the odds of getting at least one card a turn seems decent enough.


Also, it can always go Defensive to discard one before drawing, which is a neat trick.

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