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Corpse Bloat Timing question



do i take the WP test first if i field Seamus with the Corpse Bloat upgrade and blow up a corpse counter?

Or to clarify: can Bomber Seamus take his wp test first and if damaged heal the damage from his feast of fear?


My thinking is yes due to the general timing rules:

1. Active Model

2. Targeted Model

3. Other models of active player

4. Other models of inactive player



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General timing rules don't really apply here, because we're only talking about resolving a single action.

There are only two possibilities as I see it: Either the order is randomized somehow, or the ability's controller decides. I think there is strong precedent supporting the controller deciding the order (That's the case with blasts.) and there is absolutely nothing in the rulebook stating how the randomizing should be handled.

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Page 30. Big book

Sometimes multiple models are affected by a pulse or other game effect which requires them to perform Simple Duels at the same time. In this case, their controller resolves the Simple Duels in whatever order she chooses, completing one Duel before beginning another. If more than one player’s models are affected, the First Player (see pg. 35) for the Turn must resolve her effects first.

And here I thought you knew all the rules.

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Ok to recap:


General Timing rules dont apply instead using page30 from the big book.


Seamus and possible other models of mine have to go first if they are in range of the pulse as I would be first player.

Then the enemy models would take their WP tests in whatever order the Second player decides. Models failing and in 6'' to seamus make him heal 2 due to feast of fear


Thanks :)

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