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Seamus' Sidekick


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I've played a couple of games with Seamus, using him as suggested by some as the sneak-murderer he is portrayed as, ie back-alleying all over the board and picking off exposed models. I enjoy this playstyle, as it seems very characterful for Seamus and is pretty different from how I use other masters. The downside to this, however, is it tends to leave the rest of my crew kind of exposed to the enemy masters/heavies that rip through them when they're unsupported. Sybelle is supposed to be pretty tough, but she's been getting knocked down pretty rapidly in all the games I've played and seems to offer the most value just buffing belles.


So I guess I wanted to take the group's temperature on Resurectionist non-leaders to fill this role of standing up to the enemy heavies. Izamu is one obvious choice, I'm thinking, and the Valedictorian seems like she can lay out a beating when she needs to. Any other thoughts? I was interested in the crew Fetid Strumpet talked about on Through the Breach with the triangle of Unnerving Aura [edited to remove stupid statements]. 

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I was interested in the crew Fetid Strumpet talked about on Through the Breach with the triangle of Unnerving Aura, especially if Seamus shifts to more of a centralized role and takes advantage of all those will saves. 

Unnerving Aura just does damage if you start and finish your activation within 3", there's no Wp element?


As for partners in crime for Seamus the Valedictorian is always a good choice though I find it helps if you are prepared to spend SS on her to get the Ram for :+fate :+fate on the damage flip.


Yin is fantastic with Seamus as the negative to Wp duels that she can hand out can combo very well with Seamus's Feast of Fear and his -2 Wp Aura.  A favourite of mine is running Seamus, Sybelle, Yin and a Hanged in Turf War as so many Wp tests with negative modifiers around can really mess with opponents plans (and they're all durable in their own right).


If you want a bit more summoning and buffing them Toshiro is also pretty good though I find I don't usually have enough SS in my crews for him when running Seamus.

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I've been toying with the list in Molly and Seamus builds, and I haven't perfected it to my satisfaction yet, and its mainly useful for reckoning and turf war, but the basic idea is to use:

Jaakuna Ubume and two other resilient models, all with unnerving aura, and belles. Sybelle should almost certainly be part of the list with her not too banged up upgrade.

The basic idea is to use the lure from Jaakuna Ubume and the belles to bring 1 model a turn before it activates into the death zone of three overlapping unnerving auras and the hazardous terrain aura of Jaakuna. Its very ap, activation, and positioning dependent, but it does have the advantage of not generally caring about what df the enemy has. I'm not certain that that I'd use sinister rep with that version though, mostly have tried the bag with it lately.

I love using sybelle, and very much dislike actually hiring the hanged. I also recommend yin as she has many synergies with Seamus, Molly, and sybelle.

If you have it or some kind person can give it to you you might also look at the last play test document and try out Lizzy Lovelace or the emissary.

Shikome are also fairly nice with Seamus. If you can manage to land their shrieking challange they can attack wp with their claw attacks.

My general rule of thumb for my personal lists is that anything I bring has to have a wp attack of some kind, even if its just something like Sybelle's attend to personally.

P.S. bring a nurse, they are amazing.

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Thanks for the tips. I have a nurse in the list for sure. Even if the enemy goes out of their way to kill them, they've still had an effect just by being that significant of a threat. 


As for your suggested build, my first thought was Izamu, Yin, and Jakuna for the points of the triangle. All 3 on 50mm bases to extend the aura out as far as possible, and relatively resilient. 


I missed the last set of playtest documents. If one of the aforementioned kind people were to share the documents with me, that would be wonderful.

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how does that work zfiend?

Ah right. You use the crow trigger to Paralyze a key model with the nurse ca6 resisted on Wp. Seamus makes it even easier than it is.

Then you use the flesh construct to devour it, ca6 resisted on df.

You need a highish crow (or a low crow with a highish card) and a high tome and that's it.

Activate Nurse Take your meds accomplice the Construct and devour. Aaaand it's gone.

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Also nurse is a Df 6 with a trigger to push away model with 6 wounds.

Flesh Construct is df 3? Model with 13 wounds.

They aren't all that easily removed, it's two activations, two models that count to strats and schemes etc.

Nurse can also lockdown / paralyze multiple targets with the right cards or make Seamus a formidable melee beast. With +2 to damage. Combine that with Seamus' ml 7 and Backhand trigger with crows and you get 6 slaps doing 3 damage.

Now there's your sidekick duo.

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The basic idea is to use the lure from Jaakuna Ubume and the belles to bring 1 model a turn before it activates into the death zone of three overlapping unnerving auras and the hazardous terrain aura of Jaakuna. Its very ap, activation, and positioning dependent, but it does have the advantage of not generally caring about what df the enemy has. I'm not certain that that I'd use sinister rep with that version though, mostly have tried the bag with it lately.



My typical Reckoning crew:



 - Unnerving Aura

 - Reaper Grin

 - Necrotic King

Dead Rider

 - Unnerving Aura

Bete Noire

 - Unnerving Aura

Rouge Necromancy

Rotten Belle

Rotten Belle



The Dead Rider can drag 1 model into the triangle a turn, while the Belles lure in another (with + cast flips), with the Necro and Bete to shave off the last few wounds. So far, this crew has yet to lose a game of Reckoning or Headhunter, and it should do pretty well in Bounty as well (haven't tried it yet).



Back on topic:

IMO, Seamus's best sidekick is surprisingly Datsuie-Ba. She is tanky enough to survive being in the main fray, summons Seishin to help with activation control and healing, and can move Hanged around, speeding them up a little. Combos well with Seamus against HTK models too, turning them into Gaki. Also bear in mind that Seishin attack WP. They may not be that strong by themselves, but a hoarde of them attacking something within a Sinister Rep aura can do some real damage (and heal Seamus in the process!).

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My typical Reckoning crew:



 - Unnerving Aura

 - Reaper Grin

 - Necrotic King

Dead Rider

 - Unnerving Aura

Bete Noire

 - Unnerving Aura

Rouge Necromancy

Rotten Belle

Rotten Belle



The Dead Rider can drag 1 model into the triangle a turn, while the Belles lure in another (with + cast flips), with the Necro and Bete to shave off the last few wounds. So far, this crew has yet to lose a game of Reckoning or Headhunter, and it should do pretty well in Bounty as well (haven't tried it yet).

James Doxey once described, jokingly, on some podcast that playing against you was to get dragged into something awful in a slightly new way each game. I now understand where he is coming from... Great stuff King.

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My typical Reckoning crew:



 - Unnerving Aura

 - Reaper Grin

 - Necrotic King

Dead Rider

 - Unnerving Aura

Bete Noire

 - Unnerving Aura

Rouge Necromancy

Rotten Belle

Rotten Belle



The Dead Rider can drag 1 model into the triangle a turn, while the Belles lure in another (with + cast flips), with the Necro and Bete to shave off the last few wounds. So far, this crew has yet to lose a game of Reckoning or Headhunter, and it should do pretty well in Bounty as well (haven't tried it yet).



Back on topic:

IMO, Seamus's best sidekick is surprisingly Datsuie-Ba. She is tanky enough to survive being in the main fray, summons Seishin to help with activation control and healing, and can move Hanged around, speeding them up a little. Combos well with Seamus against HTK models too, turning them into Gaki. Also bear in mind that Seishin attack WP. They may not be that strong by themselves, but a hoarde of them attacking something within a Sinister Rep aura can do some real damage (and heal Seamus in the process!).


That seems...painful. I'll have to keep it in mind for the next time. Playing off your Nicodem list's theme, would it make sense to have a Seamus-Datsue-Dead Rider triangle of aura? Would you use Sybelle in something like that? 

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Also bear in mind that Seishin attack WP. They may not be that strong by themselves, but a hoarde of them attacking something within a Sinister Rep aura can do some real damage (and heal Seamus in the process!).


Important to note, Enslaved Soul can bring the Seishin to Seamus at the start of his activation. So they can easily bunch together and go after stuff; "death by a thousand cuts"-style! Great with Sinister Rep! Quite cool.

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Bishop. Can target Wp, has 3AP, has a trigger for everything and can Paralyze with a Ml7 attack (follow up with Devour from the Flesh Construct)

Bishop and Sinister Rep Seamus is an awesome pairing. Throw in Decaying Aura on any of the two, and the will get stuff into the ground like nothing. I have been on the receiving end of the pairing a couple of times now... Its brutal!

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I missed the last set of playtest documents. If one of the aforementioned kind people were to share the documents with me, that would be wonderful.

Do note that the model that Fetid calls Lizzy Lovelace is under the name MissingNo in the playtest document. It's a matter of some weird principle for Fetid to continue to call the model by its original name even when the devs said that she would get a different name when released (MissingNo is a placeholder and some kind of an insider joke about a Pokemon game).
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