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Lucius Base List


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So I'm trying to play more games with Lucius and experiment with his crew and I'm curious what others end up taking for his crew so I can try out some ideas or styles that I don't normally play.


So what do you typically take as a base list for Lucius crews? I tend to take:

  • Lucius, Legalese, Secret Assets
  • Guardian or Francisco (depending on strats/schemes)

For Killing Strat/Schemes:

  • Ronin (especially if I expect some armor)
  • Hunter
  • Sometimes Riflemen
  • Peacekeeper (if I need a heavy hitter)

For Scheme Markers and Lot of Interactions:

  • Watchers (maybe dogs for Interference/Recon)
  • Guild Austringer
  • Guild Pathfinder
  • Performer and/or Doppleganger

Holding Points:

  • Death Marshals
  • Warden
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It has probably been months since I last played Lucius. I guess that's what happens when you cheat on guild with other factions. I usually only take him for very specific scheme sets, and when I do the list includes:





Death Marshals



Some totem

Maybe a Lawyer

Maybe a Performer

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Recently, I like Samael with Burn Them Out, a Doppelganger to copy that, and some Stalkers for Lucius to order around. Works pretty well, and is a different spin that I enjoy.


I'll have to try that out, I was thinking of pulling in a Witchling Handler anyways to summon stalkers for Lucius. May just try the full burn Lucius list.

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Models that regularly make my lucius crew:


Guild Guard

Riflemen w/Dashell




Witchling Stalkers

Lawyer (2 sometimes)





Sam Hopkins

Austringer (sometimes)



Some of my favorite things to do with him are to do lists with just a ton of low cost minions (Stalkers, Riflemen and Guard), lists which feature mimics, and lists which have daschell and the guard holding the middle while sending hitters or scheme runners down each side.


Edit: models that I have meant to use with Lucius, but haven't tried them yet.  


Friedkorp Tracker

Guild Pathfinder


Guild Hounds

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Honestly my Lucius lists have gotten extremely boring; a Lawyer, Austringer, Death Marshall, 1-2 riflemen, 2 Guild Guard if I don't have to move much, a threatening henchman - usually Ryle, the Scribe for Devil's Dealing. I may bring a Hunter if I feel like running breakthrough or power ritual but mostly I find that I can force my opponent to come to me by planting a nasty firebase in position to rain sweet hell on the center of the board, which leaves the bulk of my force to accomplish objectives (marker based schemes accomplish themselves in a couple of turns between That's What Lackey's Are For, pushes with Deliver Orders, and the occasional book flip for Issue Command).

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I wouldn't say it's a bad thing. I realized eventually that Lucius, the way I play, doesn't get the mileage out of expensive/resource intensive models (ie the Doppelganger/Hopkins) that he gets out of a couple of Guild Guard. In general I find he wants models that have built in positive twists, or want to be focused anyway (Guild Guard on disengaging strikes, Riflemen, Ryle's machine gun, Hunters before a model has activated, Pistelero's which I overlook more often than I should because while they're ace they compete with Riflemen at 5 stones and that's hard). 


Pathfinders are great so long as I hold them back - or if FFM is in the scheme pool - but I pretty much never summon with them. Witchling Stalkers are good but again they compete with Riflemen and they aren't Guardsmen or Mimics so Lucius looses out on that all-important range increase and the Ram requirement on their condition removal is a turn-off. 


I've found that, because Lucius himself wants access to more or less my whole hand (especially if Assassinate is in the pool), models that need suits or depend on high stats without easy access to Focus end up really limiting my ability to get things done. And god is Lucius good at Getting Things Done.


That being said, to many people my Lucius lists are super boring because they simply do what they do and they do it pretty well. I've never made a play with him that's shockingly out of left field, never chained some crazy combo together that wiped a ton of models off the board. I play very defensive/reactive with him and that's not everybody's game.


Good/bad? I like it - and I like it more in Guild than in Neverborn because Illuminated/Depleted/Beckoners make my style of Lucius play (redundant, reliable, etc.) massively more forgiving, plus Wings of Darkness is Lucius' single best upgrade, imo.

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Adding to what the Admiral is saying, Lucius is not a "holy cow that was amazing move" guy.  He reminds me of a description that Joel Henry used regarding Guild- "As games go on, Guild start to feel faster - like an avalanche, when guild get rolling they become less and less possible to stop, and their speed builds. It doesn't matter which master - they all build to this level in different ways - but they all reach a tipping point in which they then hit a dominance of the areas and objectives on the table."


Lucius is the definition of this.  My experience (and I asked my most regular opponents about this) is that you don't even feel like you are losing when you are playing Lucius, things are going pretty well, but then as the game gets close to completion, you realize you aren't as far along on the Scheme strat game as your opponent, and Lucius's crew has done a lot to block you out from being able to do so.   Thats not to say I always win, but most of the time when I lose, it felt like an absolute slaughter.  Some of that might be my hubris, but I suspect that it is also just the nature of the Master.


The only thing I would disagree with him on is getting mileage from models like the doppelganger and sam.  While he is right that Lucius is hand intensive,  Doppelganger's utility goes far beyond the abilities which require flips.  And for Sam, either spending one low card for a flurry, or just as a model that has such ranged threat that it offers board control, he can contribute without needing the cards.  And when you do need him to really whammy something, you might have to consider doing a little less with Lucius, or relying mainly on attempted flips with issue command or horror duels on your models with + flips to horror duels.

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