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Jonah's Malifaux Minis


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you!  Time for Iron Zombies:






Student of Sinew:






Student of Steel:






Student of Viscera (who looks just like Marilyn Manson!):






For some reason I forgot to take close up pictures of the Valedictorian who I though I already had some of!  Will snap them next time lightbox is out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome stuff!

I love the bold colours on the mindless zombies! It looks like you had fun. And the Iron Zombies look amazing - the metal work is lovely and contrasts beautifully against the skin. Great work!

As for Miss Terious, superb! I'm not usually a fan of blacklining but you've kept it very thin yet crisp and it works really well on this sculpt. The only thing I'm not completely sold on is the axe - I'm not sure what the dark and light metal depict. Maybe just a gradient would look better? But on the whole, seriously, fantastic work!

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Thanks very much :D  Painting metal isn't really a strong point for me and it hasn't photographed the best!  I also got something else painted and it's time for another change of faction!  This time it's Levi:








Also, if there is a mod reading could I get the name of my thread changed to just Jonah's Malifaux Minis please?! 

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You don't need to report to mods, just open the full editor and you can change the title.




Very sexy stuff Jonah, was nice to see your painting IRL at May Feng and looking through this blog has done what all good painting blogs do, had me think "hmmm, I want to buy that now".


Keep it up!

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Part two of the holy trinity is finished:








Not sure what I'm painting next but got another tournament next month and Molly really needs to get painted after my first experience with her last night!  Probably only need her and a couple of Croooligans though as not sure how much Philip and Nanny and/or Necrotic Machine will make my lists.

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NM will most likely never be hired, but you will certainly summon him in once or twice (most often if you are planning a Killjoy Bomb) Lovely work Jonah!

Thanks!  Yeah I totally Killjoy bombed with the NM yesterday!  As well as popping out a Student of Viscera on five wounds first turn.  They caused carnage!

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Great job across the board!  You do a particularly great job with painting white - from the McMourning crew to the pathfinder to the alt Perdita. You do a great job of balancing the shadows and managing the transition blending.  
I like the gloss effect you put on your gore as well, really makes it visceral.
And I LOVE the Ashes and Dust!  Incredible conversions/Green stuff skills and great painting as well.
Love the use of color and rot effects on the mindless zombies as well.
Keep up the great work - look forward to seeing more.
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Thanks very much :D  I'm back with another miniature and this time it's back to my beloved faction (and also the best faction) Ressers with the latest Master Molly:










I've also decided that I prefer the basing on my Guild to my Ressers so despite initially wanting different basing for different factions I am going to re-base the Ressers in the snow theme.  All of them.  So that will be fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, been a good while since I posted anything but I have a few models to show off this time!  First up I painted Santana:






And here's a picture of her with the other two limited Perdita's:




I also painted everybody's favourite fatty the Executioner:






And finally here are my Komanii:






Got a tournament in couple of weeks so hoping to get a good few things painted before then.

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