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Tara | Dead of Winter vs. Eternal Journey


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How many guys do you tag with fast to be able to reliably get use out of it, or do you just chain?


Also, I'm surprised you ever get opponents giving out fast and giving you a buff- if they ever have that option when I'm playing Tara, they don't use it or put it on something away from her aura.


I only ever aim to tag a single enemy with the fast pulse.


I don't often play with Obliteration symbiote, so I seldom chain unless it's off Karina.

I can't ever recall an opponent making something near Tara fast, I was just saying that if they did, it would suffer -2wp so the upgrade (dead of winter) is still useful in that circumstance. 


I get the most mileage out of dead of winter with knowledge of eternity, where I am pinging the opponent for 1 damage, fast and the TN13 (15) bury test.

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Oh, guess that works. I don't use that upgrade much any more (I most often run unbury control, death marshals, and spare parts though the latter obviously isn't available all the time), but I could definitely see that being a stronger option with the scion's damage condition- I'll definitely be looking at that angle.

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I suppose that's true. I haven't tried the DMs at all, I haven't painted them yet, so was intentionally not using them before adepticon. Certainly going to try them now. They seem really solid, I've been enjoying Tara with just 2 upgrades (though was somewhat not seriously considering scramble. . .). 


I get your argument Spiraling, however a friekorspman is 5 pts, has unimpeded, a good gun, and a good attack. Just not the bury. I don't really take all that many ronin. 

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Arash, I generally value H2W above armor, and think the bury stuff has a huge number of interactions so is easily worth a point... about the only thing i feel a FK has going for it is being a merc for I pay Better. They're nice and all, I just think they run well instead of having specific synergies. I take other FK for their specialist skills, but don't find the need to take the basic ones when I find DM's better.

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