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Red-Blooded Nephilim? And other Questions For Later Books


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So, I was reading through the Fatemaster's Almanac again, and I noticed some really interesting lore ideas that made me very curious to see what's in store for later books. I figure this thread can be used to ask more questions about this kind of stuff. Some of these questions include:


  1. What are the "Red-Blooded" Nephilim? In the description for the Lelu's, they mention there is something lower then them in Nephilm "Society", the "Red-Blooded Nephilim". I'm really curious to learn more about these mysterious creatures. They're apparently Neverborn without Black Blood. They're hated on and mistreated by the rest of the Nephilim. I'm assuming (and may be wrong) that these are going to be the way to play Nevorborn/Nephilim Fated, since they likely want to go against Nevorborn society in the first place. Is there any other information about these guys?
  2. I noticed both books didn't really talk about the Arcanists much. The Fatemaster's Almanac didn't have any Arcanist enemies, and they barely even mentioned my favorite aspect of the Arcanists: They're basically the "Wizard Mafia". Can we look forward to a more in-depth view of the Arcanists in the "Into the Steam" book?
  3. Another question for the "Into the Steam" book: Will there be a slew of Steampunk gadgetry? I know advanced rules for weapons and building constructs were mentioned, but would it be possible to build a character based off random gadgets, sort of like James Bond? I can't wait to see more.
  4. I can't wait to see more on Character Creation for Nephilim, Robot, and Undead Fated. I assume they'll have a vastly different table for backgrounds and such, as well as access to different skills. I'm especially curious about Robot Fated (like Lazarus). How will character creation work differently for a fully mechanical character? Will they also have rules so human fated can become robot or Undead fated (in case they come to an untimely end?

So, what are you guys curious about/interested in? I like the game a lot so far, and I can't wait to see more!

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