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Generally Speaking rate the initiative flip.


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I for one from a playstyle stand point like making the flip very important. Its something it helps when your taking a model like the Doppleganger who directly can affect said flip in your favor. But i play fairly aggressively. But as stated it depends on your playstyle, your opponents playstyle and the board state at a given time. First turn it doesn't matter at all. Mid game it can matter a lot. however as stated if you have some burnable activations, it matters a lot less.

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Turn 1: 1

Turn 2: 1

Turn 3: 1

Turn 4: 1

Turn 5: 1

That's how I'd rate each flip as a generalization from my experience and game play style.

This is also coming from someone who can't remember the last time they won an initiative flip. And has had to develop a play style around that.

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