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Do I really need the Wave 2 arsenal deck?


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Is it necessary to buy the Wave 2 Arsenal deck for the upgrades?


I have Wave 1, and I'm running Viks and Von Schill.  I don't need the model cards as I can get them elsewhere, I'm just wondering if it's worth investing in for the upgrades or of I could put that money to better use.  Like another model :D


I do have a couple (maybe 4 or so) Wave 2 models, and that may increase......

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Considering this is under the Outcast section I'll stick to the Outcast Wave 2 generics and new ones available...

Generics Upgrades - 

I Pay Better - Master/Henchman
Scout the Field - Rare 3

New Upgrades -

Void Shield - Nothing Beast
The Faces of Oblivion - Karina

Basically, that's the only "upgrades" you'll get outside of crew boxes for master specific stuff. The only other reason to buy it is if you just plan to buy all the Arsenal decks (like I did), or if you want the Wave 2 Master/Crew cards for the models that are still not released in plastic (basically Jack Daw and Hamelin along with some other generic outcast models).

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Gives him a 10" aura that removes the restriction for burying models with the Glimpse the Void trigger to models within Tara's crew. It can also be discarded to make any source of damage be reduced to 0. 


There are a tonne of great models for the Viks in the Wave 2 Deck and I'd thoroughly recommend getting it. The upgrades are also pretty useful as well. 

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There are a tonne of great models for the Viks in the Wave 2 Deck and I'd thoroughly recommend getting it. The upgrades are also pretty useful as well. 

That only matters if you have/get old models with 1.5 cards though. If you just want to read the stats before buying I think the Crossroads book is much more practical than a pile of cards, you also get stories to read that way. :)


I assume the Karina/Nothing Beast upgrades will be in the Tara box if that is ever released. I wonder if the Nightmare boxes sold on the most recent black Friday had them?

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That only matters if you have/get old models with 1.5 cards though. If you just want to read the stats before buying I think the Crossroads book is much more practical than a pile of cards, you also get stories to read that way. :)


I assume the Karina/Nothing Beast upgrades will be in the Tara box if that is ever released. I wonder if the Nightmare boxes sold on the most recent black Friday had them?


My friend bought Tara through the black friday sale, it did not include the wave 2 upgrades.

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To answer your question, I would say that it isn't really worth buying and that you would be better to put the money towards something else. If you're feeling rich, you could buy the Crossroads book and that contains all of the stats for wave 2 models and all upgrades but it costs about £25.00! I bought the Crossroads book and I'm glad I got it as I find it to be an interesting read

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