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(Positive) to Attack Action different from (Positive) to Attack Flip?



There is a common phrase used for attacks that have  :+fate to the attack flip.  Most cases appears as:


"This Action gains  :+fate to the Attack flip."


And when a model has  :+fate to attack and damage it will say:

"This Action gains  :+fate to the Attack and Damage flips."


But I see that a few models (like Nino Ortega, and Katanaka Sniper) have this wording:


"This Attack Action receives  :+fate ."


At first I thought that since it says action it would mean the attack and any resulting flips, including damage.  But models that have a positive to both attack and damage say that, specifically.  So does "This Attack Action receives  :+fate " mean even more than that?  Or is it just an odd wording that means adding a  :+fate to the attack flip, and/or the damage flip, but with a different wording?


The Katanaka Sniper is especially odd, as it's Ancestral Katana says "This Action gains  :+fate to the Attack flip."  While the Clockwork Rifle says "This Attack Action receives  :+fate ."


So what's the difference?

What exactly does "This Attack Action receives  :+fate " mean?

(As this would be best cleared up with insight into the original intent of this wording, it'd be great to have and official ruling and having this added to the FAQ).

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So what's the difference?

What exactly does "This Attack Action receives  :+fate " mean?

(As this would be best cleared up with insight into the original intent of this wording, it'd be great to have and official ruling and having this added to the FAQ).


It means this in every way, EVERY WAY!



This Action gains  :+fate to the Attack flip


I will attempt to explain why there are different wordings for the same thing

1. There were more than one person writing the cards

2. There is limited space on the cards 

3. Multiple people working under a tight deadline means stuff happens

4. Copy/Paste does not exist at Wyrd

5. When in doubt blame the Gremlins

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It means :+fate to the attack flip of the action.

It's very important to keep in mind that a minor variation in the wording of a rule does not in and of itself imply a variation in the mechanics of the rules.


Ok, thanks.  That's how I've been playing it.  But when I saw the two variations on the Katanaka Sniper's card, I thought there might have been some intentional difference.

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The Katanaka Sniper's Clockwork Rifle is copy-pasted from the Freikorps Trapper's card, which was written earlier in the testing process. The language for most of those bonuses got nailed down a bit harder by the time the Sniper was written, but some earlier versions slipped through the beta (since they're still unambiguous in the context of the game).

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The Katanaka Sniper's Clockwork Rifle is copy-pasted from the Freikorps Trapper's card, which was written earlier in the testing process. The language for most of those bonuses got nailed down a bit harder by the time the Sniper was written, but some earlier versions slipped through the beta (since they're still unambiguous in the context of the game).


Actuly having not played mutch of m2e yet, most of my experience is from 1.5, where "This action Recieves  :+fate " ment something different (all flips ascociated with the action recieved a  :+fate ) so not as unambiguous as you might think

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