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Moving to Ressers from Guild, Nicodem question


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Hey all,


I've been playing Guild for the last year so planning to switch to Ressers shortly.

Has my first game with Nicodem last night and loved it but the playstyle is really different. Here are my questions:


1. Do you prefer to hold SS for suits, rather than buy cards at the start of the turn?


2. Do you avoid cheating high cards in duels, to save them for Nicodem even if he needs to spend a SS to get a summon?


Any other Nicodems tips would be appreciated!

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Hate to give you a non answer but this really depends on your hand for both of them, I do not play Nicodem but play the dreamer which is the neverborn summoner. I tend to have at least 1 or 2 high cards in my hand so I tend to spend stone on suits. As for the defense question I use stones for prevention and cheat so it is at least a negative flip, which is easier for Nicodem.  If he can summon the little guys like necro punks, the undead spearmen or canine remains on moderate cards then would aim for those early game and use my cards elsewhere as needed moving to the big guys like punk zombies, flesh construct or the hanged when I have no other use for the cards or I really need more firepower.

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I go into Nico games assuming most turns, I will want one stone to go for a crow for a summons. That's very general, and every game is a little different of course. Then I know if I get a high enough card of any suit, I have what I need for a new dead friend, hopefully a punk, a hanged, or a student. If I happen to get a high enough card that is a crow, good for me, extra stone that can go for something else, or for a second summon.


I will often save those high cards for the summons. It has to be a specific reason to give up a good summoning card for something else. Do I really need that one attack to go through right now? Or would a newly summoned whatever be able to do what I need next turn and then be useful the rest of the game. Those reasons certainly happen at times, you just hope not often.


One thing will change my mind on that though, if I do Reckoning with Nico, I will often be summoning a lot less, prefering to heal and fast what I showed up with instead. In that case, less stones may be needed.

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I know its always hard to give precise answers in this game, thats what makes it so good! Thanks for your thoughts though.

You mentioned reckoning, which I guess is not a summoners ideal strat. Do you think that Nicodem can perform well in all S&S? Which other master would you pair him with to cover any weaknesses?

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Nicodem can do well in most of the strategies and schemes. The only one he can potentially bleed some points in is Reckoning. As for his soulstones I mostly use them for suits but If your hand is especially poor nothing wrong with trying to fix it by doing the buy 2 card discard 2 trick. don't get caught in the summoning trap. Summon early and support late thats the game with nicodem. later summons aren't nearly as efficient as additonal ap or removing ap form the opponent via slow. Also the occasional card draw can be worth more than non interactive minions can be. 

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I find I will often use a SS or 3 in the first two turns to bring out the summons I want for the late game. However this can be mitigated against the almost compulsory (IMO) upgrade Undertaker, which allows you to draw a card every time a friendly undead or Mindless Zombie is killed or Sacrificed. At the every least you are cycling your deck to get those precious crows in quicker, or setting your hand up for summons.

As people say, don't get caught in the late-game summoning trap, unless you can be sure the model summoned can a)survive or B) move fast enough to secure VP (breakthrough etc...) 

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