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Black Friday Sale

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I think with all the transparents there's a desire to paint the master but not the other models.  For Raspy I'd probably dry brush some white over top to give it an icy look.  Dreamer seems really cool painted with these GL style constructs all around him.  Tara is the one I like the idea of best though, but the big challenge is that I'd love to paint her and leave her right arm transparent.



I used paint-on primer to prime just her body and then paint that -- http://geeksong.com/pigment.apply/2014/06/outcasts-tara/

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I'm not a fan of any of the Day Glow or Translucent sets (I can just about get behind the smoke Void Wretches but that's about it.  Just personal opinion though as I enjoy painting.


The Carver question has been lost in all the replies so could somebody in the know confirm if it's getting a general retail release as it appears from it's listing?

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They've come with cards with their artwork in the past.  I'd expect the same.




I believe some of these models were released during 1.5 (Miss Terious & Hanging Tree iirc) so it would be nice if there was confirmation  of M2E cards. I wouldn't expect Miss Demeanor to have a M2E card though.

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I believe some of these models were released during 1.5 (Miss Terious & Hanging Tree iirc) so it would be nice if there was confirmation  of M2E cards. I wouldn't expect Miss Demeanor to have a M2E card though.




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Well I was worng about the Hoff, a bit of a disapointment not to include Rhyle in the box and I'm not totally sold on the Hoffman and Mechanical Attendant sculpts! I'm very seriuosly tempted by the alternative Perdita which I've wanted for a long time. $25.00 is just under £16.00 so not outrageously expensive! I'm also quite tempted by the half-price metals. I could imagine grabing a Som'er box as there are currently only 3 different sculpts of plastic gremlins (excluding the special edition one) and I'd probably want more than that!

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Maybe I missed this one also - is the webstore down until it goes live for the sale? I'm interested in some of the old metal models, but with the store down I have no idea if they will be available or not.


Yup. I was thinking the same. Does someone know (from past BF experiences) if the Online Store is going to be down until the sale starts? Because I wanted to check some regular crews (prices, availabilities, etc) to see how its all adding up... and atm you can only see the new stuff.

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is there any chance of splitting the shipping of an order to send one piece to an alternate address whilst it still counting for the spend limits. 


i got someone in the us for the gift exchange and wanted to but something from the sale to send to them, as it would save time and money rather than shipping to uk and then repackaging it and shipping it back again.





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