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Madaxeman's Marcus and Ramos Crews


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After rolling out my Mei Feng crew, I had a painting blitz and have ended up with Marcus and Ramos rather fully staffed up in fairly short order.. 


The full set of photos is online on my blog here but here are some snapshots too:










Razorspine Rattler



Sabretooth Cerberus



Rogue Necromacy (metal)



Large Steampunk Arachnid



 Ramos (Alternative, metal)


Steampunk Aracfhnid Swarm (with rail debris)



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Love the colors on the Razorspine!

Also your Marcus crew pulls together very nicely. The bases and the colors, good job.

Thanks! The Razorspine was really simple - a white undercoat (all the rest I use black) and then Windsor & Newton Viridian ink, finished off with a coat of ArmyPainter varnish & stain.


No actual "paint" was used other than for the tongue and teeth. 


All the basing is just normal sand glued down, painted black and then drybrushed in light grey and bleached bone.  

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Here we go - some WiP pics of the new Waldgeist 2.0 models: 



Basic black spray. I left the guy with the skull under his foot off the base so I could paint it more easily after undercoating, but  normally I like to base the models before spraying black 




This is the black undercoat, with a drybrush of German Field grey (which is quite green) 




Here they are, after a Peat Brown ink wash, plenty of other drybrushing coats (including GW Graveyard Earth, which I always find to be a good "wood" colour" and also some highlights in a lighter green). I've added some clump foliage to the branches that "fell off" some railway trees I've got kicking around. 




Then, with static grass, some tufts of grass and a couple of clump foliage bushes added to the bases, which have also been drybrushed.


Part way through some of the very thin arms did come off those on either end of the line, so I glued them on again at a different angle to the way they are supposed to be - this means I could get 2 anchor points (usually elbow and thigh instead of just the thin elbow) to make them more robust. The clump foliage hides the less-than-perfect joins at the elbows that result. 


Fairly "frutti di bosco" I feel.. 

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As I've already got two metal Ramos (Ramosses..? Rameii..?!), a metal Howard and plenty of metal spiders (which I think will be a lot more robust than the new plastic ones, and which are easier to magnetize) I have been puzzling how to get hold of a Joss proxy... and this is the guy I've settled on, having seen the suggestion elsewhere on this site.


He's from the Reaper "Bones" plastic range, and is technically called "Goldar, male barbarian"... but with some gunmetal and brass muscles and pretending his left arm armour is actually a mechanical arm I think he's not a million miles away anyway. 






And here's metal Howard




The figure ended up being "pinned" through all 4 joins between legs and body (saucer?), and even so I still had to use some 2-part metal epoxy to get a good bond. With the points of the legs not really providing good anchor points to the base I ended up with two of the legs overlapping the main base, so I had them puncturing the lip of the base - which gave a much better grip anyway to mount the model on the base. He's also got a bit of railway on the base to tie him in to my very simple Mei Feng scheme.






I might go back and paint the eyes someday, but in a lazy attempt at a post-hoc justification I may claim that this "Rutger Hauer Blind Fury" look isn't too out of character either  ;)

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Home-brewed Mobile Toolkit (Ground Zero Games 15mm Walker, + Crooked Dice Repair Drone)




Home brew Brass Arachnid proxy, GZG Spider Drone with added buzz saw blade glued in between what is supposed to be twin guns.


The buzz saw disc is two 15m ancient shields glued together, and then "serrated" by just using a stanley knife to make a series of cuts into the edge of the joined discs.

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They aren't going to win you a Golden Deamon but they look much better than grey plastic. Paint, drybrush, ink. It works!

:) I think you're right - although once I get a coat of wash on them they may well improve a little!


These pics were meant more for showing some proxies for models which either aren't really available, or which you can only get in a boxed crew set. 

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The Blessed of December is fairly pokey model, and is also a Marcus-friendly Beast to boot. But the artwork in the Crossroads book is a bit, erm, inconclusive, and as far as I can see the official figure isn't out yet. It also looks like it might have the same sort of easily lost or breakable antlers as the Jackalope when it is.


So, in the meantime here's a stonking great hairy purple Yeti with a very bad attitude.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Exorcist Proxy... but this one has a shotgun, and also a bit of Billy Bob Thornton's character from Fargo about him as well - both of which probably make him a little more dangerous! 


More on my blog. I've also set up some pages that regularly scrape together the UK ebay listings of Malifaux stuff, all sorted by faction - might be easier than doing searches .. 



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  • 4 weeks later...



December Acolytes. The third one is proving a little trickier to base up, as it only has one foot on the ground right now...   Black undercoat, progressively lighter drybrushed layers of grey. 




These are two figures from Black Scorpion's Wild West range. I kinda want them to be Mr Tannen & Mr Graves, as they look like those should be their names even though they look nothing much like the Wyrd figures. Any other suggestions as to who they could proxy for gratefully received. 




A metal Showgirl / Mannequin pairing, with someone else from Black Scorpion... the metal gears on the base are watch parts from an eBay scrapbooking vendor.


More of these on my blog here   

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