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Upgrades, master specific?


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Ok so this is prob a silly question but i have to have some clarity BEFORE the next round of my escalation league. There are many upgrades that models can take, but are models limited to only take upgrades listed in conjunction with a certian master if said master is running your crew? For example i am running neverborn and i check the upgrade pages in both the core books. Each page is linked to a certian master, but some do not list a model specificaly. IE could a teddy in a Zoraida crew take "On dreaming Wings" as he is a nightmare?

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As a corollary, if you hire a Mercenary model into your crew, they can only take upgrades belonging to your current faction, rather than their original faction. 


For instance, if you're playing Neverborn and you hire the Outcast Convict Gunslinger as a Mercenary, then you can give him Neverborn upgrades, but not Outcast upgrades. 


Otherwise, yeah, the grouping in the book is mostly just to show what upgrade cards come with what crew boxes. 

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Basically there are a few overall types of upgrades. Each Faction has their specific upgrades available to the faction members and any mercenaries hired into a crew of that faction:

- General upgrades which anyone eligible to use can buy (Typically Masters, Henchman, and Enforcers are the only ones able to buy upgrades, but there are exceptions outside of this)


- Specific Model upgrade such as Henchman, Enforcer, or even model types such as Nightmare (such as the above used example of On Dreaming Wings being Nightmare models only)

- Master Specific such as Lilith, Marcus, McMourning, etc.


There are restrictions on the number of these that can be used in a crew, such as Rare 1, Rare 2, etc which tells how many copies of it you can have in any given crew. There's also the Limited restriction which is found on Master Specific upgrades. Masters can only have 1 Limited upgrade. Example being Zoraida can have either the Animal Shape or Crystal Ball Limited upgrade, but not both.

There are exceptions to these, but that will hopefully clarify some questions you might have.

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