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Ulix vs Justice (50ss)


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Deployment: Standard
Strategy: Turf War
Schemes: Line in the Sand, Bodyguard, Frame for Murder, Outflank, Protect Territory

Ulix (Cache: 4)
- Husbandry - 3
- Huntin' Bow - 2
- Dirty Cheater - 1
Penelope - 2
Old Major - 9
Warpig - 9
The Sow - 8
Wild Boar - 6
Hog Whisperer - 5
Slop Hauler - 5
Schemes: Frame for Murder (The Sow), Outflank

Lady Justice
-Vendetta - 2
-Implacable - 1
-Last Stand - 1
The Judge - 9
Santiago Ortega - 7
- Hair Trigger - 1
Abuela Ortega -7
Exorcist - 7
Death Marshal - 6
Death MArshal - 6
Scales of Justice - 3
Schemes:  Bodyguard (Abuela), Frame for Murder (Death Marshal Wilson)

Deployment: My opponent wins the initiative flip and forces me to deploy first.  I take the right half of the board and set up Ulix a bit south of the center in the open street along with a Slop Hauler, Old Major, and the Sow.  The Warpig and the Hog Whisperer set up to the north a bit, in a room filled with a stack of crates, and Penelope and the Wild Boar use From the Shadows to deploy on the south side of the board, on the centerline.  

Justice sets up in the center opposite along with Santiago, the Judge, and the Exorcist, with Abuela, the Scales of Justice, and Marshal Wilson a bit to the south in a building.  Marshal Chancellor sets up in a small alcove along the far northern edge.  




T1: Ulix wins initiative and forces Justice to go first.  The Judge moves southeast along the sidewalk and uses Stand for Justice to pull Justice towards him.  

Ulix uses Birthin' to make the Sow pop out a newborn Young Piglet, then again on Old Major to make him drop a Slippery Piglet.  He uses his last AP to pull a Wiggling Piglet out of the Sow, and then uses Proper Care to heal them all for 2 wounds.  

Abuela rolls northeast a bit and uses Shotgun Wedding to marry Justice to Santiago, making her part of the Family (much to the surprise of Justice, Santiago, and, presumably, the Judge).  Then she rolls off to the south, mumbling to herself.  

The Young Piglet shuffles northwest a bit, away from its mother.  

Death Marshal Chancellor moves east along the northern side of the board.  

The Slippery Piglet shuffles southwest, into the room with the Wild Boar and Penelope.  

Death Marshal Wilson heads east past Abuela, presumably to see where all the oiking is coming from.  

Penelope uses Herd 'em to push the Wild Boar towards Marshal Wilson, then trots back towards Ulix and the bigger pigs.  

The Scales of Justice walks west and tips the scales in Justice's favor, then pushes Abuela a bit.  

The Wiggling Piglet waddles off to the north a bit, moving a bit faster than normally thanks to Penelope's Kept at a Distance.  

The Exorcist heads southeast, down the street towards the pig-fest.  

The Warpig - soothed as it is by the nearby Hog Whisperer - stomps off to the west, moving through its building's collapsed wall and out into the open street.  

Justice heads east into the center of the crossroads, where she waits.  

The Hog Whisperer moves west a bit, then uses "Sooey!" to draw the Wiggling and Young Piglets north, out of the way of their bigger cousins.  

Santiago walks east, moving up a bit past the Exorcist and the Judge.  

The Wild Boar is forced to charge Marshal Wilson, barreling into him for weak damage.  It then Stampedes past him and into Abuela, hitting her once for weak damage.  Abuela uses her Matriach trigger to yell at her new granddaughter for help, and Justice sighs as she takes a damage for the old lady and pushes towards her.  

Old Major nudges the Sow forward, giving her a Ram with his pig-teachings, then walks forward himself as Ulix hitches a ride and pushes up next to him.  The Old Pig Knows the Way, it turns out, and the Slop Hauler pushes up beside Ulix.  

The Slop Hauler becomes Reckless and shuffles around to the other side of Ulix, where he Feeds Piggies, healing the Sow, Ulix, and himself a bit.  

The Sow charges Justice, but she cheats in the Red Joker to dodge aside and Riposte the Sow for weak damage.  The second attack connects for weak damage.  



T2: Justice discards to Juggernaught to heal two wounds, then murderizes the sow with a flipped Red Joker on damage.  The Sad Piglet and Crying Piglet fall out of her, and Ulix scores 3 Vp for Frame for Murder (Headline: "Lady Justice murders single mother!").   She then chops into the Wild Boar, hitting it for critical moderate damage and dropping it down to a single remaining wound, but misses with her third swing.

Santiago activates via Companion and Rapid Fires at the Warpig, hitting it twice for weak and moderate damage.

The Wild Boar turns its attentions back to Marshal Wilson, hitting him twice for moderate and severe damage to kill him.  He eats his fill, but Justice Frames the pig for Murder and gets 2 VP (Headline: "Pigs Run Wild in Malifaux!")

The Exorcist moves up to the corner and peeks around to fire a crossbow bolt off at the warpig, but it misses.  He does, however, successfully convince everyone that the Sad Piglet is actually an undead Piglet.  

The Scales of Justice moves north a bit, then draws a card for Justice and politely pushes Abuela away from the Wild Boar.  

The Sad Piglet charges the Judge, hitting him once for weak damage.

Abuela heads north, keeping some barrels between her and the Warpig.  

The Wiggling Piglet leaves the Hog Whisperer's side and heads north, making its way to the Centerline for my Outflank.  

The Young Piglet runs away from the Hog Whisperer and up to the Warpig.  

Marshal Chancellor takes two shots at the Warpig, hitting once for critical moderate damage as the Warpig flips the Black Joker on its defense.  

The Warpig walks west, then uses Pigcharge to charge Marshal Chancellor, hitting him twice for moderate and weak damage to kill him, heal 3 wounds via Eat Anything, and then end his activation via Grab On.  

The Hog Whisperer readjusts a bit, moving up behind the Young Piglet.  

The Crying Piglet pigcharges the Exorcist, hitting once for weak damage as they both tumble backwards away from the wall.  

Old Major moves west towards the center, bringing Ulix along with him, and drops a scheme marker.

The Slop Hauler moves up beside Old Major, buckets at the ready.  

Penelope runs south, herds a Slippery Piglet south towards the centerline edge, then keeps on running west.  

Ulix walks around Old Major, then uses Sooey! to pull the Sad Piglet and Wild Boar closer, healing them with Feeding Time.  Proper Care heals another 2 wounds on both (and deals 2 to Ulix), who then goes into a defensive stance.  

We both score 1 VP from Turf War, Ulix gets 3 from Frame for Murder, and Justice gets 2 from the same.  This puts us at 4-3 Ulix.




T3:  The Crying PIglet attempts to attack the Exorcist, but misses with both of its attacks.  

Abuela shoots the Warpig, barely clipping it but still flipping severe damage, and the Slug trigger finishes it off.  Muttering something about gathering pork for the wedding reception, she wheels herself closer to the corpse.

The Wild Boar attacks Justice, but she cheats in a high mask and Ripostes it for weak damage instead.  The second attack hits her for weak damage, then does a backflip and Stampedes right into a surprised Slop Hauler, who fortunately dodges both of its frenzied attacks.  

The Exorcist whumps the Crying Piglet upside the head with his symbol of office, dealing critical moderate damage to kill it.  He then walks east, up to Santiago and the Judge, and points a finger at Old Major, declaring him to be an undead abomination.  Old Major's ears perk up, but that's about the most that actually comes from his rants about undead pigs.

The Sad Piglet pigcharges Santiago, hitting once for weak damage and Eating his bandana to heal up to full life, but misses with the second charge attack.  Its second AP goes into antoher attack, hitting him for another point of damage.

Justice uses Juggernaut to heal a wound, then executes the Sad Piglet with a severe damage flip.  She then charges the Wild Boar, dropping it in a single hit with a critical weak damage flip.
Santiago activates via Companion and fires at the Hog Whisperer, missing with his first shot but hitting with the second for moderate damage.  He also hits his Frenzied Barrage trigger for an additional attack, but it misses.  

Old Major walks closer to Justice and takes a bite out of her arm for weak damage (soulstone prevents 2).  

The Scales of Justice balances the scales twice to draw some cards, then uses Accomplice to allow the Judge to activate.

The Judge charges into the combat to help out Justice, hitting Old Major critically for moderate damage (soulstone prevents 2) and weak damage (soulstone prevents 2).  

The Slippery Piglet walks a bit south and hangs out near the end of the centerline.

The Wiggling Piglet heads around to the north, heading to the opposite side of the centerline.

The Hog Whisperer tries to Stik 'im! on the Young Piglet but fails, so he just walks east a bit.  

The Young PIglet heads west to deal with Abuela.

Ulix uses Birthin' to make Old Major give birth to Sickly Piglet, then uses Proper Care to heal them both up.  He Prods Old Major to attack Justice, who bites her for moderate damage (soulstone prevents 3) and then weak damage.  

The Slop Hauler Feeds Piggies, healing Old Major for 3 and Ulix for 1.  

The Sickly Piglet walks closer to Justice and the Judge.

Penelope runs west, coming up behind the Scales.  

We both score a VP for Turf War, putting us at 5-4 Ulix.  



T4:  Old Major attempts to bite Justice, but she cheats in the Red Joker and ripostes him for weak damage.  His second attack hits for weak damage, and he Eats her boot to heal three wounds.  

The almost-dead Justice discards a card to Juggernaut to heal four wounds, then stabs Old Major for critical severe damage and critical weak damage (soulstone prevention flips the black joker and Old Major goes down).  With the big pig down, Justice swings at the Sickly Piglet but misses.  

The Young PIglet activates and has to Pigcharge Abuela, so it does, but misses both attacks and a third follow-up attack.  

Abuela attempts to whup the Piglet good, hitting both times, but flipping the black joker on the first damage attempt.  The second hits for weak damage as she smacks the poor pig.  

Penelope charges the Scales of Justice, hoping to kill it before Justice can refill her hand.  Unfortunately, she only hits once, and then only for weak damage.  

Santiago Rapid Fires at Ulix, hitting him for critical weak damage, and forcing me to cheat in the red joker to keep him alive.  

Ulix walks over a bit to bring the Judge into melee and attempts to Slop Up the Judge twice, but misses both times.  With nothing to lose, he cheats in two low cards to his already-failing flips to heal a couple wounds from Dirty Cheater.  

The Judge brutally attacks the Sickly Piglet, and manages to critically hit it once for weak damage.  

The Slop Hauler becomes Reckless and shuffles closer to the Judge, where he tosses a Slop Bucket at the Death Marshal, hitting him for weak damage and making him Appetizing.  This helps the Gremlin land a second attack for weak damage again.  

The Exorcist fails to convince anyone that the Sickly Piglet is, in fact, an undead Piglet, so he just charges into combat with it, critically hitting it for weak damage to kill it.  

The Slippery Piglet can't see anyone to charge, so it just plops down and starts chewing on its foot.  

The Scales of Justice makes two pathetic attacks against Penelope, missing both by a mile.  

The Hog Whisperer moves north and west up to the Wiggling PIglet.  

The Wiggling Piglet moves west to the centerline.  

We both score another Vp for Turf War, putting us at 6-5 Ulix.  



T5:  The Slop Hauler becomes Reckless and starts upending Slop Buckets onto Justice, hitting her once for moderate damage to make her Appetizing.  

Justice tosses a card to Juggernaught to heal four wounds, then murders the Slop Hauler with a critical moderate damage flip.  She's within Ulix's large melee range, so she's forced to walk closer to him to slash at him, which critically hits him for weak damage, almost killing him.  

Ulix attempts to Slop Up the Judge twice, but misses each time, so he tosses some weak cards in there to heal a few wounds via Dirty Cheater and goes Defensive +1.  

The Judge heads north and tries to disengage from Ulix, but an unexpected bucket of slop catches him off guard and leaves him standing in place.  

The Hog Whisperer moves west and uses Stik'm on the Wiggling Piglet to deal 3 damage to it and give it Reactivate.  

Santiage moves north and fires a shot off at the Young PIglet, which critically hits for weak damage.  

The Young PIglet attacks Abuela, but just can't connect.  

Abuela remains locked in an epic duel with the piglet, unable to damage it as well.  

Penelope critically bites the Scales for moderate damage, killing it, then runs towards the Exorcist.  

The Exorcist successfully accuses Penelope of being an undead, then shoots her with his crossbow, hitting once for weak damage.  

The Wiggling Piglet runs south, reactivating to get within range of Turf War.

Justice announces Bodyguard on Abuela, earning +1 VP from her being alive at the end of the game, even if she is a bit too close to her side to get the other point.  

We both score one final VP for Turf War, and Ulix scores +2 VP from Outflank, putting us at a final score of 9-7.  






Thoughts:  This ended up being a really close game, with lots of little moments that could have swung things either way by a couple of points.  Ulix was a fun master to play, and his Piglets really proved to be annoying little speedbumps for my opponent.  Once the pigs were dead, though, he really didn't have much else to do, which felt about right. 

Shooting the Sow in the butt proved to be difficult to set up in a cramped board like this, and in any case, she wasn't going to be dropping Justice in a single charge. 

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