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Black Blood Shaman- do I need tots to make it worthwhile?


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I've run him in a Collodi crew without tots. Basically, if you use him to hand out Black Blood to a couple key models, and then just rely on him for his Black Blood Pustule (and the awesome triggers), he remains a very effective model, without the growth abilities needing to come into play at all.

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I use him in my Lilith crews (non-growth list when I might need a "healer" for Lilith and crew...Black Blood Pusture with a  :crow trigger makes a nice heal), as well as with Illuminated and other things all the time. Hell, I played him in a Lynch vs Molly game and gave Blood Blood to a Rising Sun Huggy and Lynch to counter Molly handing out black blood.

I find a  lot of uses for him, and I have yet to regret taking him, despite never playing any form of Lilith/Tot grow list.


PS - On a side note, even though she can't hand out the trigger, try Shaman + Doppleganger as she can Mimic the Pustule up to three times ( on a  :tome trigger 0 action) a turn doing up to a potential 6 damage to all withing a 1"  :pulse. Follow up next activation with a Shaman to do the same, but save  :crow 's to use the healing trigger. I took out Colette and Cassandra in a turn that way, leaving them unable to use defensive triggers.

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So I used the Shaman last night in a Lucius Crew with reckoning, assassinate, (something else) against the viks

didn't use tots because reckoning

teddy got surrounded by the viks due to some teleporting ability they had, but henchvik failed the horror duel,

Black blood Pustule and a charging illuminated killed leader vik, (out pops killjoy) and then teddy killed hench vik. and does damage to killjoy

beginning of next term, the remaining damage needed was gotted from BBP on the illuminated and Teddy.  With those three out, we called it.


I guess what I am trying to say is, you were right, BBP is sick.

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