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Hello from Western New York

Ian Campbell

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Hello everyone!


I'm fairly new to tabletop gaming but I instantly fell in love with Malifaux as soon as I played my first game! I got completely hammered, all my units were wiped off the field by the end of turn 4 but I still tied it up in victory points. My only crew at the moment is Lady Justice but I'm looking at getting Seamus and Sonia pretty soon as well as some guild riflemen (I just love their models!) and a couple executioners within the next two or three weeks. After that I could really go in any direction!

Anyways, I'm just really excited to be here and be a member of your wyrd little community! haha

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I wasn't aware that there was a facebook group for that! I live out closer to Buffalo normally, but I'm going to College out in Oswego. I know you guys have some game stores that play in Rochester though, I actually picked up my crew at Millennium games while visiting a friend out there!

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My friend was showing it to me! I'm still green so adding handling vassal to already keeping track of the game is a little tough but I'm getting the hang of it! I would be more than happy to play on vassal after I get a few more good games under my belt though! Thanks for the tip, and it's great to see all these New York players here!

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Oswego is probably a bit far to trek in for regular play, but easily close enough to make it out for the monthly events in Rochester.  I was digging around to see what sort of gaming groups were in the area at one point to see if there was anywhere I might try to run demos.  I seem to recall that Oswego had some form of group, but I couldn't track down much info on it at the time.  Might be something worth looking in to.  If there is, and they don't play malifaux, I would be happy to come out to help run some demos and hopefully drum up some interest.  And if they already play, even better.

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Me and my friend were hoping to make it out to Rochester to play once in awhile, but like you said it's a little far for us to make it out there every week! Oswego does have The Story Teller's Guild which does a lot of traditional gaming but they don't have any miniature gaming at the moment. Of course me and my friends will go there to play and get the word out about Malifaux! Right now everything is still getting established out here though, classes don't start until Monday

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