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Gracie vs Mancha Roja


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I was just wondering which of these guys you prefer as your favorite beatstick?


The most obvious being Gracies ability to tank better, and Mancha Rojas ability to deal out more damage.


I have also been having a hard time seeing Gracie without Lenny in her saddle, which make her very expensive.


I have been looking at these two lists:


Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap
Wong -- 4 Pool
 +A Gremlin's Luck [1]
 +Explosive Solutions [2]
Lovely Assistant [3]
Burt Jebsen [7]
 +Dirty Cheater [1]
Gracie [10]
 +Saddle [1]
Lenny [9]
 +Dirty Cheater [1]
Merris LaCroix [6]
Sammy LaCroix [7]
 +Ooo Glowy [1]
Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap
Wong -- 5 Pool
 +A Gremlin's Luck [1]
 +Explosive Solutions [2]
Lovely Assistant [3]
Burt Jebsen [7]
Francois LaCroix [7]
 +Dirty Cheater [1]
Mancha Roja [10]
 +Dirty Cheater [1]
 +Extra Gremlin [2]
Merris LaCroix [6]
Sammy LaCroix [7]
 +Ooo Glowy [1]


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Personally: Gracie

Survivability is paramount, especially when you can deal out staggering amounts of damage.

Unimpeded, Reactivate, Armor +2, and a serious damage spread with self-healing.

She pays for herself every time I bring her.

Lenny need not ride in the saddle, though his buffs are amazing!

In a Som'er crew you can get those Rams no problem with Do It Like Dis.

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you might want to consider running old major with gracie instead of lenny, his nudge em on action gives can give you rams for  all her actions that turn [including reactivation] plus a nice push. much better wp ,more wounds ,apush for gremlins and a chance to reactivate. losing lennys big target can be countered by going with dirty cheater on gracie instead of saddle. and the positives to attack and damage flips from rile em up can make a glowy gracie absolutely nuts  on the attack

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you might want to consider running old major with gracie instead of lenny, his nudge em on action gives can give you rams for  all her actions that turn [including reactivation] plus a nice push. much better wp ,more wounds ,apush for gremlins and a chance to reactivate. losing lennys big target can be countered by going with dirty cheater on gracie instead of saddle. and the positives to attack and damage flips from rile em up can make a glowy gracie absolutely nuts  on the attack


... this is absolutely brilliant!

- I have never thought about this, and I am trying to see what negative things it can mean... but he seems perfect for the task! ^^


Thank you so much for showing me this option, instead of having to rely on Lenny, whom is pretty easy to separate from Gracie with WP stuff :)

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What about a list like this then:


Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap
Wong -- 3 Pool
 +A Gremlin's Luck [1]
 +Explosive Solutions [2]
Lovely Assistant [3]
Burt Jebsen [7]
 +Dirty Cheater [1]
Gracie [10]
 +Dirty Cheater [1]
Merris LaCroix [6]
Old Major [9]
 +Quality Mash Liquor [2]
Sammy LaCroix [7]
 +Ooo Glowy [1]
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The only problem with the Old Major over Lenny is that you might be using the Major's activation as nothing but support for Gracie.  His Nudge is a 1 AP action so he can not do it and charge, so most often he will just be moving and nudging Gracie for this combo.  With the Lenny Gracie combo, Gracie could walk up first, taking Lenny with Saddle, Lenny then could activate do his stuff, and then Gracie reactivated and took advantage of Lenny's aura for the Ram.  Then on the next turn you often activated Gracie again first to keep laying into them and then Lenny if he was still around.


With Old Major and Gracie the activation order is going to be Old Major, who will likely nudge Gracie and move, then Gracie will activate and then reactivate.  Then next turn you have to activate Old Major again to nudge Gracie, but he cannot charge afterwards so likely will be moving again.  Only then can Gracie do her activation and then reactivation again to get the full benefits.  So while Gracie might be working a bit smarter here thanks to the push and positive flips from Old Major, Old Major will likely not be adding much for his actions *though with Quality Mash Liquor at least he might be able to throw in a heal*.  Also unlike the Lenny/Gracie combo you are throwing away a Ram card ever turn to get its full benefits, even if it is a high ram.  You might be spending a couple stones on cards just to hopefully get a better hand of suits.  I am sure plenty of us have had games where it seems the necessary suit just is eluding us.

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