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Got a Tara, need a crew.


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I usually run 2 death marshals, 2 void wretches and then some other bits depending on what I want to achieve (all as outcast)


I have recently been having fun using Lazarus.  Basically you bury him with a death marshall then pop him up after Tara's second activation, give him fast and have him shoot the pants off stuff turn 1.  If you get initiative second turn you can re-buty him and run off with Tara then redeploy him later.


I also know another player who fields her as resser and uses her as a Bete noir launcher

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void wretches are great and I take a bunch. I take death marshals sometimes, but have been leaving them on the shelf (so I can take other upgrades).


As outcast, Killjoy is almost always a must have (because he starts burried and can pop up when burried). Ama No Zako is also great for scheming. Lazarus is good for bodyguard. I'll also take Taelor or a Strong Arm suit. I've been playing around with Montresor and the Nothing Beast to focus on WP manipulation ( it's still a work in progress).


As Res (I don't play this way too much) I like taking Hanged and try to manipulate the opponents WP. I'll also take the upgrade where I can bring the void wretches, DM, and NB. Bette Noir also works very well since she too has bury mechanics like Killjoy.

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Tara has a ton of options, and here's just one more to toss in the mix:


I've been super excited about playing her as Resser with Toshiro summoning Ashigaru and Chiaki. I put Corpse Bloat on the Nothing and poop out a Corpse marker first turn to summon with. Then a Void Wretch heals Nothing after he's been Pulled into the void. Chiaki is there because all of my current frequent opponents are Ressers, with 2 of them playing McMourning.


I also enjoy 2 Death Marshalls. They are incredibly versatile when combined with Tara's ability to unbury things. One on each flank with some other models nearby each that I think I might want on the other flank.


I played Montresor in a Vassal game once and liked him. The WP stuff and his 7 max damage and each movement was great. Unfortunately, I don't have a model so haven't played with him in real life yet.


And I think the Malifaux Child is Her Totem, not Karina. :P Even with a -3, the MCs ability to cast Tara's awesome spells is amazing.

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When I started with just her box, I was playing with her, the Nothing, the 3 Void Beasties, 2 Death Marshals, Malifaux Child, Hans, and Sue. I think that's a decent place to start, but you could really toss any other Outcast in for Hans and/or Sue, I just wanted to play with those guys. Killjoy is a great idea, for example, and the rest of my post above is just me expanding on "what else?".


And don't get caught up in "I need to use all her upgrades!!" She has a lot of mechanics, and I think if you try to optimize for all of them, you can lose track of playing the game while you're trying to play Tara. :P If you want to play with Bury/Unbury stuff, Obliteration is the only real required upgrade (although you'll need a DM, or Killjoy or Knowledge of Eternity to get something buried.).

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I play my Tara in a particular style making significant use of two things.  First, her 6 AP.  I don't remember the last time I used her other (0) first in a turn.  I don't like her near enemy models so a 6" aura is too close for my comfort.  So I always give her scramble because I probably spend 1/2 her AP moving... that's a lot of bonus inches during a game and with unimpeded her paths can be very direct.


The other thing I use is her bury mechanics.... as well as other members of her crew, to win games.


I dont' give out fast (unless I am burying) and I dont' shoot with her, or whack with a sword unless the opponent has lots of the same model.


Tara functions as a mover.  She uses her AP to move her crew around so they don't have to move.  They then get to do what they do best, so I pick appropriate models that might be "slow moving" but really good at other things.


So first I select some bury models.  In particular I take Hannah with her upgrade.  Hannah is my "offensive burier" in the sense that she will bury an enemy model and if I feel the desire I then use Tara to drop it out and use it myself.  This also relocates enemy models as needed, including scheme runners, Bodyguards and the such.  Next I take the Malifaux Child.  Being able to free up Tara's AP to bury models, or if you have the right cards, to have another point of friendly unbury, I find the Child amazing.   Finally I always take a Void Wretch.  It can bury my friendly models with a well placed bite (and a tome) if desperate, can heal my buried stuff if needed and is just a great objective runner.  (keep it hidden because Hannah's Arcane Resevoir makes it that much easier to kill)


So, Tara, Hannah, the Child and a Wretch for burying.


I then move onto other model that are good at one or two things.  Johan and Taelor are great at hitting, at different costs.  Sue, Hans and a Specialist are all great at shooting.  I love Sue with Tara because she drops him with fast and his min 3 damage and Fast can really eat up enemy minions and gain you Activation Control.  Plus his (0) are very helpful, Ring of Fire in particular because it can keep enemies at bay, Tara's biggest weakness, getting Engaged.


The last model that I love to take is a Librarian.  It give Hannah effectively a 3rd AP and opens up a synergy with Sue in which Sue can keep getting buried, get Fast and take that point of damage.  You can then utilize his Hurt to draw a card and then the Librarian can Heal him back up. 


My standard Tara list is: Tara (Knowledge, Scramble, Obliteration), Hannah(Ancient Tomes), Child, Sue(Oathkeeper), Johan(Oathkeeper), Wretch, Librarian


I use Tara in Stake a Claim and other games that has things like Power Ritual, Breakthrough, Plant Evidence and Assassinate in.  (Assassinate because Tara rarely dies)

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Tara has a ton of options, and here's just one more to toss in the mix:

I've been super excited about playing her as Resser with Toshiro summoning Ashigaru and Chiaki. I put Corpse Bloat on the Nothing and poop out a Corpse marker first turn to summon with. Then a Void Wretch heals Nothing after he's been Pulled into the void. Chiaki is there because all of my current frequent opponents are Ressers, with 2 of them playing McMourning.

I also enjoy 2 Death Marshalls. They are incredibly versatile when combined with Tara's ability to unbury things. One on each flank with some other models nearby each that I think I might want on the other flank.

I played Montresor in a Vassal game once and liked him. The WP stuff and his 7 max damage and each movement was great. Unfortunately, I don't have a model so haven't played with him in real life yet.

And I think the Malifaux Child is Her Totem, not Karina. :P Even with a -3, the MCs ability to cast Tara's awesome spells is amazing.

Corpse bloat is leader or henchman. So NB can't take it.

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I've never bothered playing Tara as a Resser because I love the Outcasts too much but my usual setup is something along these lines


Tara -- 7 Pool
 +Dead of Winter [1]
 +Knowledge of Eternity [2]
 +Obliteration Symbiote [2]
Death Marshal
Death Marshall / Johan 
Void Wretch
Void Wretch 
This is my kind of skeleton crew that works pretty well with just about anything. Then I'll add (regardless of faction) a big ass beatstick. I often go with The Nothing Beast, Killjoy and/or Bishop if I'm playing Outcasts. If I were to go Rezzers I'd probably take Izamu, The Nothing Beast, The Valedictorian, maybe a Rogue Necromancy. Then with any remaining points I add stuff to the crew that will benefit the schemes or strategy at hand. Belles, Nurses, Gunslingers, Snipers, whatever fits the bill really. 
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Damn!  Thanks for all of the good info.  There are a bunch of models I've been thinking about buying.  One more dip in the pool I guess!


Hey is Bete Noir any good if you Resser side?

Oh, and I guess there are new upgrade for her in the Wave 2 Outcast deck?

And what about the Nothing Beast?  I don't see too many mentions of him.  I thought he'd be the schiznit. 

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Here's a link to quite a bit of analysis I did on tara. Bete is okay, not my favorite since she isn't that directly killy. The new NB card looks strong; Karina's depends on the details. The Nothing Beast is fun, but fragile and it's usually easier to use a regular beat stick.



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In a resser crew I tend to find I love bête. True she isn't insanely Killy, but what she IS is one of the best AP sinks in the game with Tara. Especially if you opponent has living models. Her df 7 makes her tough to put down, and she needs to be so because if you don't, while she often won't do massive dmg she will be doing constituent dmg with massively crippling triggers. And if they kill her Tara just pops her back out next turn.

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