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My Guild/Ten Thunders/Outcasts


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Due to a back log of infinity related figures I commissioned a local guy in area to paint my Malifaux minis.  I dropped of my Guild figures with him and I got them back yesterday.  I am very happy with how they turned out.  In general I stuck with paint schemes close to the wyrd artwork as I do like what they did.  Lady Justice as you will see I had her painted a little differently.  I dropped my Ten Thunders and outcasts crew with him when I picked up the guild people so hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can up date this thread with their pictures.


Lady Justice, the blind redhead missile of DOOM!!! (Until I flip that black joker on my last attack action.)










The Judge, if you tell him that wearing white after labor day is illegal, bad things happen to you.






Sidir, the toughest Sikh this side of the breach






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Thanks, all of the bases are Micro Art Studio Mosaic bases.  The guild models have red on the base and my Outcasts will have a bright yellow and Ten Thunders will have Orange.


Now for some more pictures.


First some Men who are on Fire!  Aka the Death Marshals.









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Finally for now at least, the Totems, Scales and Luna.  My McCabe model had a tragic encounter with my cat and a Spanish book so I am waiting for his edition two box to come out so I can get a new McCabe and the shiny new cards.  Ideally my Lone Marshal and clockwork traps will come soon from the painter.











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