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New player with old models


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I use to collect and paint Malifaux Guild models and happened to see their is a demo and tournament locally tomorrow. I only have three games under my belt from the old edition and wanted to learn the newer edition while watching some veterans play. I went to the store this morning and picked up a M2E rules manual as they didn't have the full rule book or the updated guild model cards. My question is are my old Model cards invalid? Did they make changes to all the version 1 models or only some? I'm worried without the rule book or new cards I will not be able to play with my models. 




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All cards are different from 1.5. You can get cards for wave 2 models in the download section of this site. And if they are running demos someone is bound to have the big rulebook so you can get a game in. To play in a tournament you normally have to bring your own cards.

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Yeah.....every single model has been changed...old cards are completely invalid. Shame your LGS didn't have the big book or the Arsenal Decks.


But I agree that if the set-up is for demos and learning then they should have crews/cards/books that you can use......they may not have the cards for the specific models you have, but they should have demo crews so you can at least learn the mechanics.

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