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Are there Schemes that you never take?

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Well, in a presence by mass ratio, I barely ever use Line in the Sand, though I assume that's precisely the reason why it's always an options. Hard to achieve and requires investment. As for the rest, I think  the only one I never go for is Outflank since I tend to not be thrilled about my odds of having live models in both extremes of the table, though it has been used against me to good effect. The rest I at the very least consider for a moment and think how my list can adapt to one or another. Never really felt a sensation of "bah, this will NEVER happen".

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Our Resurrectionist player takes Seamus for Entourage all the time.  It's really difficult to keep him from getting full points for it, too.

Aye, I almost added that qualifier. Having a Scheme custom fitted for a certain Master is a bit strange, though, so I guess I'm looking for wider appeal here.
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The problem with Entourage on Seamus is the game going on to turn 6 or 7... You can end up not being able to use your most powerful model as he's stuck in the enemy deployment zone.

That problem with the Scheme is far, far worse for almost all other eligible models, though.
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I have never seen anyone use Take Prisoner. Entourage is also extremely rarely chosen, it seems.


I use Take Prisoner sometimes, it's really neat. Pulled it off just yesterday (I think) for full 3vp? :D Entourage I consider usually, announced, because many masters are on the enemy half of the table anyway so why not just pick 2vp for it? Seamus it's a given 3vp. 


I never take Distract, Cursed Object, Vendetta, I have tried them and I utterly fail everytime. :D

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Not really what's being asked but I'm going to get it of my chest anyway. :) The Outcast story scheme, For the Money, just seems horribly bad to me.


In general I have a slight aversion to schemes that can only get 2 VP unrevealed. 

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I use Tak Prisoner all the time, specially if I see an unkillable master. Seamus on the table? Screw it, take prisoner, we'll manage somehow. Entourage is also pretty easy with most masters that actually care about punching people or you can use a mobile henchman that keeps a low profile. Sense Yu for example can easilly do Entourage and try to keep a low profile by doing the flanks, add protect territory and he is taking care of everything.


Cursed Object and Distract have always seemed easy to me too, specially cursed object were I tend to prepare a small ignorable model as the cursed caddy and give him a cursed wrench each turn that he politely accepts.


Hell, Vendetta can be a very easy 2 VP if you use it on  a rotten belle for example, lure your target turn 1 and get Vendetta going and then finish it of with anything else. The full 3 are hard to achieve though it can be done, hell just played vs Csonti on vassal and he achieved it with a terror tot against a komainu by black blooding it to death.


Really, Outflank is still the only one I tend to pass on, specially in any form of corner deployment since it means I have a couple of models very far away, but well, you only just need to be there with a minion or higher and if announced it's 2 VP from just one model, so it's not like it's a bad idea.

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I have never seen anyone use Take Prisoner. Entourage is also extremely rarely chosen, it seems.


I've had great success with Entourage. It's one of my favorites. I've scored full points with it on a number of occasions with the Viks, McCabe and Misaki. They are tend to be fairly fast and don't particularly struggle with moving around the board though. 


I've also done quite well with Take Prisoner. The schemes I tend to avoid are Spring the Trap and ALiTS. They are fairly boring and don't really inspire me. I often takes the schemes that I think will be the most fun and often those two don't cut it for me unless I'm really in the mood to give them a go. 


Vendetta is a funny one, I often score 2 VP but rarely the full 3. It works really well with ranged specialist models such as Trappers, Hans, Austringers are pretty insane at it as well. Ii like it but don't often take it unless I'm planning on taking a specific model to accommodate it. 

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I dont tend to take alits or any scheme where you need your opponents models to be alive at the end of the turn as i still tend to try winning through killing then achieving schemes on the flip side if available i tend to take protect territory whenever available as one model can earn you 3 vps.

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Protect Territory seems to be always a good idea, but I've had a few games where the need to have a model 2" from each counter has screwed me over since my opponent manages to remove my babysitter one way or another, negating me the whole scheme. Since it's also taken so much, people tend to wise up the moment you start making a circle of scheme markers near your deployment zone. So yeah, it's good enough to do and I tend to go for it if I feel I have a competent babysitter, but it can get complicated too.


Line in the Sand I only really take to challenge myself unless I have something that can drop scheme markers just because, since being able to put it in a concentrated area really makes it a lot less daunting to achieve.

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I don't ever take cursed object. It is just bizarre and tough to pull off.

I took distract for the first time this week and loved it. Either you force them to give up 2 AP from a very valuable model, usually targeting a heavy hitter, or you target models that have already activated and score the free points. More than other schemes, it disrupts the opponents plans for the turn.

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Aye, I almost added that qualifier. Having a Scheme custom fitted for a certain Master is a bit strange, though, so I guess I'm looking for wider appeal here.


To be fair, there are a couple other models that are also pretty good at pulling off an Entourage, such as McCabe (horses are fast) and Tara (two activations a turn lets her get across the board pretty quickly, even without bury/unbury shenanigans).  Yan Lo's Lightning Jump is also really good at letting him hop backfield pretty quickly, as is Lilith's Tangle Shadows, and just about any Gremlin master can get pretty far with Gracie + her Saddle upgrade. 


My favorite is probably having Hoffman ride a Watcher around, though.  :P

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Line in the Sand is actually a good take in Flank or Corner deployment, IMO.  The centerline gets much longer so it gets easier.


I almost never take Take Prisoner myself, though that has more to do with my Master/Crew selections...  I have done it with Dreamer a few times when I left my lovely Outcasts!


Inq Wall, if  you like Distract, Cursed Object is just an easier version of it!


Vendetta is great if you have access to a shootier model and an obey Master....  Hamelin and my Convict Gunslinger generally get the 3 VPs each time.

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I don't ever take cursed object. It is just bizarre and tough to pull off.

I took distract for the first time this week and loved it. Either you force them to give up 2 AP from a very valuable model, usually targeting a heavy hitter, or you target models that have already activated and score the free points. More than other schemes, it disrupts the opponents plans for the turn.

But Cursed Object is just like Distract but even better?

To be fair, there are a couple other models that are also pretty good at pulling off an Entourage, such as McCabe (horses are fast) and Tara (two activations a turn lets her get across the board pretty quickly, even without bury/unbury shenanigans).  Yan Lo's Lightning Jump is also really good at letting him hop backfield pretty quickly, as is Lilith's Tangle Shadows, and just about any Gremlin master can get pretty far with Gracie + her Saddle upgrade. 


My favorite is probably having Hoffman ride a Watcher around, though.  :P

It's not hard to get there but it's hard to be relevant while getting there. Seamus has a good gun and likes hopping around killing isolated targets while the other mentioned models like to stick close to their crews for various reasons. Also, Seamus is extremely durable - not everyone else on that list is.
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I try to go for synergy between schemes and strategies. So, if I get something like Breakthru or Plant Evidence, I will usually take Entourage with it. I actually find it pretty easy. Even Masters with Wk 4 can move at least 12 inches on Turn 5. It might not be fancy, but it's 3 VP which is worth a Master's Activation.


Schemes I Avoid:


A Line in the Sand: Not intentionally. I just rarely remember it.


Plant Explosives: I can never get it to work.


Spring the Trap: Ditto.

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