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Newbie looking for advice.


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Hi, I'm just about to start Malifaux after some convincing by a group of friends who are already immersed in the game.

After a lot of personal deliberation I've decided to go with Neverborn as i like the most miniatures compared to other factions. i did this after reading how building lists (or the lack there of) works in this game.


Basically i need some help filling a shopping cart as relatively cheap as i can. i will be playing against 4 other players who field Seamus, Raspy, Dita and Nicodem at around the 35 point mark.

The Masters i like are Lilith, Pandora and Lynch. Which one/two do you think is the best suited to handle most missions and not get out tabled by the aforementioned masters (i have developed a fear of Raspy and Dita solely based on literature on this site)

I'm strongly in favor of plastics however there are a few metals i still think are sharp (Stitched together being a good example.)


So in essence what I'm asking for is a brief summary of what bits i should pick up and why? i wont be able to have another splash out for a little while so I want to get a good balance (student life)


While I realise I'm asking a lot i would be grateful to anyone who would be willing to borrow me their experience so that i can get a foot on firm ground starting this game.


Thanks in advanced!


Shopping cart so far;


Arsenal deck


Mother of Monsters - Lilith box set


Mr. Graves


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I'm no Neverborn player, so take it with a grain of salt, but I play a lot against them these days. All of these three are playable and starter friendly.


For starters per Master, I'd go with Lynch's box and Beckoners or Pandora's box and Teddy or Lilith's box and Nephilim. Each of those will have some problems against your opponents, but each of them will cause some trouble for them, too. None of those matchups are particularly hard, even if Rasputina and Perdita will need some getting used to. I think, at 35 SS Nicodem will make the most trouble. Summoners are not balanced for such small games, especially if you allow proxy models.


Personally, I would decide by the models. It's a great part of starting motivation to play a visually appealing crew.

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I can't speak in depth as I'm a new player myself.


 To add to the above (as a new NB player myself and starting with Pandora and Lynch for my masters...having picked up Teddy for Pandora crew and Beckoners for Lynch) I'd say the one thing I lack for those two sets are Terror Tots for good objective runners which cost me my last game with Pandora vs Seamus. Tots are good with any master and is the reason I'm probably going to pick up the Lilith crew next (yes, you can buy them individually, but I'd rather grab the box set as I like Lilith also and figure I might as well grab her set so I can use her eventually and have her already).


That covers all three of the masters you asked about, which I know doesn't help much, but Lilith has nice hitting power for straight up fights plus Tots for objective running. Lynch and Hungering Darkness can both pack their own punch, manipulate cards with Lynch's upgrades (and make Tots into speed freaks by recycling Aces), and Pandora can do area control potentially with her 6 inch bubbles of pain for WP duels, especially if accompanied by Sorrows (and it was very fun to flip a red joker and use Seamus's 0.50 gun against himself causing that player to run and hide Seamus the rest of the game from her).


It comes down to play style though. I prefer manipulation style game play (hence Pandora and Lynch for me). I like to come at my opponents sideways and have them second guess their decisions due to what I could potentially do, or what they are unsure of what could happen next as a reaction.


Best of luck to you though. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can answer you're questions more fully.

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Hell, what you could do is decide on the one you like the most of those three, get it (most box sets are geared toward 35 SS out of the box anyway) and have it to play with friends, then also try to do some vassal games with people (it's an online style program used to play Malifaux...check further down the forums and in the download section). Use Vassal to try out a different master (find someone who's willing to go slow in game while you learn, and that they understand it's a first time with said master) and test out the other two to get a feel for them and see in which direction you want to go for now, or to just try out a model or two that you might potentially buy. 


Just don't base your buying decision off one game with any model or master though is my advise. Give each one a few games as you might of used something incorrectly, or not utilized it to it's full potential, or just had a bad match vs another master, or due to scheme use not had a chance to use it fully.

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Did you read PullMyFinger? The Neverborn articles re coming together nicely: Here.


In short: Lynch plays a game of mid-range damage and card control while supporting his crew. Pandora plays a game of mid-range damage and activation control and attacks Wp. Lilith plays a game of melee damage and positioning. All three a quite engaging to play.

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Hey guys, firstly i would like to thank you both for your input. Much appreciated!


So I'm leaning more towards Lilith (not based on looks i like both Lynch and Dora a little more) based on what I've read so far (PMF, forums, every M2e battlereport i can find on YouTube which admittedly is not alot seems like after M2e was released people stopped updating their channels which is a shame) Reason i am leaning towards Lilith is because I'm starting to think based on limited knowledge that she is the far better toolbox. that she would do ok in most scenarios against most of my opponents Masters.


Tried to make a couple of lists (yeah i know listing is bad) but in my defense it is helping me connect the dots on who i think could work well with her. although i haven't seen Mr.graves mentioned with Lilith (not even the Lilith PMFwiki mentions him) at a rather low 35 points i think he could be a real boon to her. he adds some much needed durability to the crew, and show 'em the door has some synergy with living blade and roots. with a small Llith crew i think his charge disruption will cover alot aswell EG;


Lilith - beckon malifaux, living blade


Mr. Graves

Terror Tot

Terror Tot



35ss 4ssPool


Couldn't fit Barbaros' sword into the list but if i could i think i would of just taken a mature Neph anyway.

What are your thoughts on this, Are my thoughts in the right place or is my general naivety showing through?

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No, Graves works nicely. He's a neph with black blood, has a push, and packs a nice punch. The waldergeist is nice for added coverage, especially if using Liliths Illusionary Forest, you can "cover" areas of the board for control and to help Lilith with her bonuses, and Tots give you good runners plus support. Barboros, like Graves, can pack a punch as well.

Also that gives you the Cherub totem if you get the plastic box set so can easily expand the list later to 40 or 50 points as you'll have it, a third Tot, Barberos' upgrades, and a second Waldergeist that comes in the box. That's a healthy crew and options right there. :)

And as an aside I ordered the Lilith box today, and after thinking about your list may go back and order a waldgeist as well. Already picked up Tannen and Graves for my Lynch crew. :)

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Lilith is a good choice. The shooty Masters will struggle against her LoS blocking and transfixing gaze. Be cautious against Seamus. LoS blocking helps him but is good against Lures. Tough choices ahead.


She is a marvellous toolbox, you're right. Good choice. Mr. Graves compliments her well. If you buy Lilith's box, Graves and a Nephilim box, you'll be able to cover most strategies and point sizes.


Have fun!

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Once again I appreciate all the input guys, think i have a basket together now. also I've got future expansions planned what with having graves tots an waldgheist's i could rather easily expand into lynch with his starter and some beckoners


@Asrian yeah i would highly recommend picking up the geists they work well with all our casters, bit slow but durable and utterly annoying they can tie 4" of combat up aswell if they are inside the cover they make. graves helps some of the lack of mobility they suffer but all in all from what ive read they are an incredible toolbox for many masters :)


Additionally the seamus seems to just run him a few bells and the big bell i think against him im just gonna swap a tot from him into graves barbaros and lilith and end him right there without him the crew lacks alot of a damage even less if i keep cover up so i cant be pulled and pounced

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To be honest... Out of the possibles you've suggested I would also recommend lilith as an awesome starting point, much like Dita. They are both pretty fun crews to start with... A few funky tricks, coupled with a massive possible damage output... And she is also a very forgiving master for a new player to come to terms with... When you make mistakes with lilith ( and Dita + others ) she is defensible and elusive enough to recover from it... I've been a neverborn player since 1st ed and although I've never actually played with lilith, I have seen her used a great deal and know exactly what it's like to be on the receiving end of her... Anyone who can pluck an enemy from 12" away without even needing LoS and stick them In front of a mature neph gets my vote. :)

When my group first started playing, I remember a friend being most upset for buying pandora over lilith after he saw her used.... Same friend a few years later after a whole lot more experience of the game, hardly puts pandora down :)

Purely based on what you have said though, I recommend lilith... The relationship between experience and performance becomes a lot less important with someone like her or Dita...

Although that's only my opinion of course ;)

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