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Dreamer ignorance


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With Reckless Dreams and going the Chompy route I think the best thing to do is wait till near the end of a turn before unleashing Chompy.  You want the enemy to have as little chance to counter him as they can before he is summoned.  Don't be afraid to use a soulstone to make their attempt at killing Chompy fail so you can still get an activation and then sac him yourself.  When Chompy is summoned he is summoned in LOS and within 6" but not completely within 6".  Meaning just a piece of his base has to be 6" from the Dreamer and with Chompy's Ht4 it will not be hard to have LOS to him when you place him.  This helps alot getting him to his target.  To help make sure you can out activate most of your opponent's models use your first turn to summon 2-3 models to pad your activation count.   


The next thing I would always consider having for Dreamer going the Chompy route is the escape plan.  As the Dreamer is not a Nightmare he is not being moved around by Daydreams, worse while Dreamer summons chompy with in 6" when chompy goes away the Dreamer is place in Base to base.  Meaning having some other way to move Dreamer after Chompy has gone away is a good idea.  Lilitu and Beckoners have Lure and Mr. Graves has Show Ya the Door as good examples.  Lilitu gets props for being a Nightmare but Mr. Graves is a nice beatstick if you want extra muscle as well.  If you are waiting late in the turn you might want to save your escape plan till after the Dreamer and Chompy have gone so you can get pull the Dreamer back before the next turn if you decide to sac Chompy.

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 Meaning just a piece of his base has to be 6" from the Dreamer and with Chompy's Ht4 it will not be hard to have LOS to him when you place him.  This helps alot getting him to his target.


I hadn't thought of that. I've been playing on Vassal and I forget about the effect of height on LOS. Had Chompy on the table recently and he was REALLY hard to hide though. HE was in some 2" ruins and couldn't get cover for anything.

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I hadn't thought of that. I've been playing on Vassal and I forget about the effect of height on LOS. Had Chompy on the table recently and he was REALLY hard to hide though. HE was in some 2" ruins and couldn't get cover for anything.


He can still get cover from low objects as long as he is within 1", it just won't block line of sigth.


And if the rules say within, they mean part of it is within.

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As Adran quite rightly says chompy can actually claim cover from a height one wall... Or say even friendly model in front of him... But I do agree hiding Chompy from LoS is an almost impossibility aside from huge buildings... One method I have used is the stitched right up close to the opposition... This can block a wide angle if the enemy isn't above height 3 and they are again within the inch of the stitched aura

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Phew here's me thinkin I missed an unnecessary stitched cuddle!

If a model is tall enough it doesn't need to provide cover because it will block Los ( like I dunno... Stashing a nurse behind 2 fleshies)

But I was more kinda referring to models with obscuring effects... The only ones I can think of for neverborn are stitched an lilith... Crooligan kinda effect

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As Adran quite rightly says chompy can actually claim cover from a height one wall... Or say even friendly model in front of him... But I do agree hiding Chompy from LoS is an almost impossibility aside from huge buildings... One method I have used is the stitched right up close to the opposition... This can block a wide angle if the enemy isn't above height 3 and they are again within the inch of the stitched aura


Just wanted to make sure this wasn't mis-understood. Either by you, or others reading the thread.


Admins have interesting sense of humour. At least penguin seems to  be an allowed word now. Cuddle may have been over used by members of this board before, leading to bad first  impressions from people reading it.

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Nathen doesn't like Penguins. It used to be on the swear filter.

Worth saying I have no actual idea why Cuddle is used. I'm actually only even guessing what its replacing. Although if I'm right, there have been a lot of threads asking for cuddles, on things that don't need cuddles. when something does need a cuddle, wyrd can be cuddlly.

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Quick question - the dreamer gets an sh action on one of his upgrades, which makes the enemy model take 1dmg for each nightmare model within 3. However even though it is an sh action, it does not have the pistol icon... Is this a miss print, or can he indeed use this ability even when he is in melee, like if it was a ca action?

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Sh, Ml & Ca are the statistic you are using to make the Attack. :melee, :ranged tells you targeting restrictions and any special rules. There are some models that can make an attack with the Sh stat which is a :melee attack. So you could use it after a charge but models like the Crooked Men which get defense against Sh would still get it.

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So just to be clear, he can indeed use it in melee? (I killed lady justice in 3actions doing this, so it's very important that I am 100% sure, as my opponent thought it was very odd)

Would he even have to randomize if he uses this ability to shoot into engagement then? Or would this have something to do with the sh in the ability and not the pistol icon?

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