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who wants to see something really geeky.


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Hi folks, As some of you may of noticed, I have been painting my way through the guild including a reasonable number of wave 2 stuff. This weekend I was choosing my crew ahead of a game on Monday which I just played using Lucius, lost the game but had a good time and learned a few things about the crew. but as I was picking my crew i was getting increasingly bored with the blank picture slots on my cards so I decided to photoshop in some photos, and what better to represent the characters than my own models. so here they are, hope yo all like, I love em and if anything makes me wanna get a move on with ordering Hoffman.








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Dash's rules state he's equipped with a Baton while the Guard Sgt has an Axe. So as far as I'm aware, the models haven't been swapped


Great idea with the cards, BTW, I wish only wish I had the photoshop skills to do the same. And photoshop too. I suppose I'd need that. ;) 

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In the M1e the guild guard captain was the fat man with the axe and the guard sergeant was the guy with the baton, waving his fist.



As far as im aware they still represent the same model, although in there new rules captain Dashel has a baton and the guard sergeant has the breaching axe, so I swapped them over.

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