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Black Blood followed by the Black Plague...


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Just a quick update as not posted for a while. Not much painting has happened recently although I have attended my first ever Malifaux tournament which was Heartfaux in York. It was an amazing experience, great venue, great organisation and met some great people. I managed to finish 3rd overall out of the 23 players so pretty pleased with that. It was a great format with 2 smaller henchmen games in the morning and 2 larger master led games in the afternoon. I played my Neverborn Nephilim crew with Nekima / Barbaros leading the morning games and Lilith for the afternoon. Won some nice goodies in the raffle and a voucher for element games for my 3rd place finish, not to mention a lovely shiny trophy! I also picked up a bendyboards model tray which I am really pleased with and just ordered another one and a bendy board gaming board (pictures to follow).


I have decided after about 15 games to give Lilith and my Nephilim a rest and focus on getting up to speed with my Lego Dreamer crew. I am looking forward to a change in masters and play style and am sure my regular opponent deValmont is too!

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Just a little work in progress on my Hamelin model tray for moving my models between tables at tournaments and the like! Beats balancing them on top of the rulebook.


What do you think?




I was going to use this model try for my lego Dreamer crew but there are not enough 50mm holes so got another one on order www.bendyboards.co.uk as well as an actual bendyboard for a gaming table which I am going to deck out completely in lego! Will feature in a tournament near you soon (if you are in the UK that is!) Watch this space.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not updated this for a while. Pretty much finished my Lego Dreamer crew now so here are some final pics of everyone and a couple of close ups.

Got a few web markers, scheme markers, soulstones and Dreamer Waking counter sorted too!











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Ha thanks guys. Just wanted to make a crew that would make people smile when they face it across the table. I am not a great painter so tried to come up with a different way to draw the eye and male a unique looking crew

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