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  1. I usually like some form of recursion, models healing themselves or returning/summoning new ones. Also hard to kill, and having a boss who's not afraid to get in the fight. I'm pretty fond of the Frankenstein and mad scientist theme going on, how would you compare McMourning and Von Schtook for a new players?
  2. Howdy, I'm 100% new to the game but I love anything undead or necromancy related. I know crews are pretty flexible but I wondered if there are Masters you'd recommend for completely new players and ones to avoid until later. Something to help me as I learn the game or with an easier play style? I like all the miniatures I look at so I figured I'd ask since I'm still a bit overwhelmed by the new game system. Thank you
  3. Hello, I'm still trying to find a gaming group near me but hope to soon. I'm new to the game and find the mechanics pretty interesting. I have an unnatural love of the undead in any game and any form so I'm sure where my first crew will be. I don't know if Masters in the game have a steep or gentle learning curve but I love all the Resurrectionists.
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