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  1. If only Tara were still a resser, I could make a joke about her having a good heart. This is a super helpful write-up! Thank you. I'll try out Perdita with her new toys until my partner gets a feel for Colette then give Pandora or Thrace a shot!
  2. Hey y'all, I've lurked and stared at Malifaux from a distance on and off since 2e-ish and recently started looking at it again. My partner is interested in getting into it and starting with Colette, and I've been trying to think of a good box to play against Colette that won't feel one sided or get old after a few games. I was hoping I could pick the forums' brains for suggestions. Thematically I really like the ladies of ressers, guild and neverborn (and Tara but that's about where my interest in outcasts falls off, unfortunately). I like the idea of movement / control tricks and summoning a lot, but don't necessarily need them all.
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