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Posts posted by Invincible_Ink

  1. New player here. I started playing Malifaux about a year ago with a few friends. We started playing in person when
    the pandemic situation still allowed it, moved things online a few months in, and recently I started dabbling a bit into
    tournament play.

    Now the way my friends and I played it, we determined a scenario and chose a leader a few days in advance, giving
    us enough time and information to come up with a crew. Now I'm a bit of a tinkerer, and puzzling over my lineup till it
    fits the scenario and opponent is one big appeal of the game for me.

    But once I started playing people online, I found that not everybody does it like that. I had people locking in their
    complete crew days in advance, while others didn't even choose their leader up until our live session started. I
    I haven't encountered every master yet and don't know every model in detail so I have to admit that I struggled
    with the latter.

    That's why I wanted to ask the community how you are handling this. How far in advance do you set up your
    games, choosing leader and crew? I wonder if there is a common best practice here, or if everyone does it differently.
    What do all you think?


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